#Chapter 109 – Sneaky Link

1789 Words

I groan again, pulling a pillow over my face in my frustration, not wanting to ask these questions and hating that I can’t stop my mind from going there. I’m still furiously upset and need to take out my emotions on something, so I kick my feet against my mattress again and again, hard, before falling back against it and continuing to stare at the ceiling. The kicking didn’t work. My mind is still racing. What the hell was Ivan thinking? In the moment, I really did believe him when he told me that he just wanted to get me alone so that he could warn me, to tell me to get out of this house. And honestly, that’s what my instincts still tell me now is true. But Natalia did find us. Did Ivan plan that and just lie to me? Is he trying to drive a wrench between me and the Lipperts? Or between

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