#Chapter 104 – Gatecrashers

1573 Words

Daniel laughs as if he’s said something incredibly funny and my reaction is totally normal, looping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me close. “Laugh,” he orders in my ear, a little urgent. “They’ll look away.” I do as he says, not nearly as good of an actress as he is, but – then again – he’s had his whole life to practice. But he’s right, after I give a little laugh as if Daniel has said something that’s a little scandalous but ultimately hilarious, his family gives us a couple of confused smirks and then turns back to their business. When they’ve all looked away, I snap my face back to Daniel’s, my expression totally serious. “Spill,” I demand. “Now. Tell me everything.” I drain my glass of prosecco, needing to bolster my courage. Daniel sighs and shakes his head. “I don’t k

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