#Chapter 45 – Competition for my Heart

1510 Words

  “A…beach party?” I say, c*****g my head to the side as I study the note. “It’s about an hour away,” Kent says, watching me closely as I read. “Friends and family, apparently.” I look up at Kent my eyebrow raised. “Did you…read my mail?” He stares at me impassively, not needing to confirm. I study the envelope, wondering how the hell he re-sealed it, and then why he bothered to reseal it… “Fay,” Kent says sharply and I look up to see that he’s frustrated with me. As usual. “Are you going to go?” I look back at the invitation and see, in particular, that it’s made out to me. No mention of Kent or Daniel. Apparently, it’s a private party. “Am I…allowed to go?” I ask, looking back up at him. Kent shrugs. “I’ll send you with my guards, of course. But there’s no real reason to refuse.

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