#Chapter 36 – Interrogation

1407 Words

  I frown a little at Kent, blinking. What? He folds his hands and waits patiently. “What,” I say, hesitating. “What do you want to know?” “Everything,” he says, raising his eyebrows. “I want you to tell me everything he said to you, and everything you said in response.” I frown at him further. “Are my conversations with my father not private? Kent leans forward a little, the corners of his mouth pulling up. “If you want to have private conversations with your father,” he says slowly, “you can have them off my property. But in this house? I’m entitled to know everything. Including the words exchanged between my ward,” he looks pointedly at me, “and my potential enemy.” I c**k my head to the side. “I thought you and my father were allies,” I say, crossing my arms. “Do allies leave

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