#Chapter 28 – Meeting the Family

1865 Words

  Fiona gives me a tart little smack on the butt then, breaking my reverie and laughing as she hurries over to the jewelry box waiting on my vanity. I give her a weird look and cover my ass with my hands. “What is with people today,” I murmur. She laughs again as she comes over to me, standing behind me so that she can hook the diamond solitaire around my neck on its slim silver chain. “You got the ring?” she asks, smacking her gum. “Oh, yeah,” I murmur, walking swiftly over to my bedside drawer and pulling it open. I reach towards the back, fishing it out and pushing it swiftly onto my left hand. When I look at Fiona, she’s crossing her arms and shaking her head at me. “A million-dollar diamond,” she says, “and you shove it in your bedside drawer?” “Um,” I say, biting my lip in re

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