#Chapter 20 – Danger makes me want to…

1753 Words

  My heart pounding, I press the stop button on the remote as fast as I can and return my wide eyes to Kent, who is still looking at me. Please, please, please. By all that is holy, let him not have seen me watching his s*x tape. “What are you doing in here,” he asks, angry. “Um,” I say, terrified, hoping he doesn’t pick up on the tremor in my voice. “Fiona brought me here? Said I could look through some…” my eyes dart around the room for an answer that is not porn. “Some family photo albums? And home videos?” He narrows his eyes at me, his eyes flicking to the pile of vintage Playboys on the floor. “She shouldn’t have brought you down here,” he says, moving aside so that I can leave the room. I quickly get to my feet, flicking the power button on the remote so that the TV goes blank

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