#Chapter 7 - True Identity

1794 Words

I’m in a daze, half in consciousness, half out of it – I hear a moan – did that come? I open my eyes, frowning. Where’s the car? I close my eyes against the warm yellow light of the room. I want to wake up, but I feel sleep pressing me back down – A prick at my finger – I jump at it, pushing away the hands that hold my arm – “It’s all right,” a woman’s soft voice says. “All done now…” Then, a man’s voice – I swim out of the darkness, propelled by fear. I know that voice. “…to the lab, I want fast processing. I want it compared to the bloodline…” I shake my head, groaning. I blink, looking around the finely-furnished room. I don’t know this place. I push myself up until I’m seated with my feel curled beneath me on a chaise lounge. I notice that I’m still wearing my club outfit,

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