#Chapter 81 – Wanting More

1440 Words

  Kent pushes his pants downward as he lays me down again on the blanket. I keep my eyes closed, but I can feel him moving his legs, kicking the pants off as he brings his body back to mine. Then, he lays the length of himself down on top of me and my eyes fly open as I feel the new sensation of his skin flush against mine. As I feel feel…him. All of him, pressed against my hip. I gasp a little, starting to tremble a bit at the newness of it all. He is…big. I can feel it. I mean, I never thought he’d be small – god damn it, I never thought about it at all – never really considered any of these sorts of things – Oh my god, was I supposed to think about this? Was I ready - “It’s all right, Fay,” Kent murmurs to me, running a slow hand down my side, across my ribs and my waist and my

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