#Chapter 72 - Cornered

1628 Words

  I’m shocked and confused by the emotions that run through my body in this moment. Because one part of me – a huge part – wants me to cry out, to beg him to stop – to tell him that I’m scared, and this is too new, and too fast – But the other part – maybe the larger part? God damn it, but it wants him. I am absolutely, completely freaked out by all of this but… I am also soaking wet. I grimace as I realize it, embarrassed and a little ashamed and totally confused. What is wrong with me, that I’d let someone chain me to their wall as part of some kind of s*x contract, and that I’d like it – “Spread your feet,” Kent commands, his voice soft and ridiculously close to my ear. I jump a little, but I do as he says, moving my feet a few inches apart. “Wider,” he commands, impatient

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