#Chapter 63 – Insults

1333 Words

  Kent can’t help enjoying the way his stomach twists when he sees Fay like that, frozen in the chair before him, her mouth slightly agape, her sapphire eyes wide with shock. A curl of her unruly red hair has fallen lose of its messy ponytail and into her face. He presses his hands harder against the desk, avoiding the ridiculous urge to reach forward and brush it behind her ear. He knew she’d react like this, of course – he’d arranged it so she would. Yes, he made all of his previous girlfriends sign NDA’s, and he’d treated their relationships in many ways as business relationships. However, he’d never started the relationship that way. The fact was that he’d lost control too many times with this girl – that disaster of an interrogation in the basement, punching that kid at the stables

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