#Chapter 134 – Family Ties

1521 Words

The food at dinner does me no favors by being absolutely delicious. The salad is tart and citrussy, the lasagna creamy and rich, the desert – coconut sorbet which Natalia annoyingly made from scratch – basically makes me moan when I taste it. And I grudge every bite that I take, wishing to hell and back that I don’t like it as much as I obviously do. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Fay,” Natalia says warmly to me once we’ve all finished, delicately holding the spoon that she’s been using to feed Kent sorbet. There’s a wicked gleam in her eyes. “I do like to see a girl who is not afraid to eat, no matter how much it expands her waistline.” I do my best to hold back my glare as I slowly lick my spoon, savoring every drop. “Luckily,” I say, lowering my silverware leisurely to the table, “

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