#Chapter 141 - Loss

1825 Words

  I wait a long time before going down to Kent’s room tonight, not really knowing how to play this. Because what I do know is that I want to know more about what he was saying with Alessi, and what the hell is going on, and who might be planning whatever attack is coming, and why he’s not taking it seriously. But what I don’t know…is how the hell I’m going to get him to tell me all that. As I walk through the cold basement passage, I consider that, well…there’s always s*x? But I scowl, knowing that Kent has a tendency to wipe my own brain clean of any useful thoughts or suspicion way more often than I do his, so if I go that route, I’ll probably forget I even had a question… And I guess there’s always…asking him bluntly? But as I climb the stone steps, I just shake my head, knowing t

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