#Chapter 122 – The Green Room

1927 Words

Daniel blinks at me for another second, I think a little appalled at my suggestion that he kill his uncle, before he sees the irony on my face and realizes that I’m making a dark joke. A bad joke, admittedly, but one I hope will break the tension. Thankfully, Daniel does laugh, shaking his head and dropping it a little as he tugs at the bow tie around his neck. “It’s so insane, Fay,” he sighs, and when he continues to fiddle with the tie I brush his hand away and untie it for him. “It is,” I say, leaning in to put a hand on his cheek and make him look at me. “Honestly, Daniel, there’s so much we don’t know. And nothing else we can do about it, at least until tomorrow. So should we just…” “…Get really drunk? And not talk about it?” he finishes for me, and I grin at him, glad that we’re

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