#Chapter 129 – Mixer

1724 Words

  But I clench my jaw and look away from Natalia clinging to Kent’s arm, knowing that we’ve made a decision about how to play this. And that I’ve got to stick to it. “Let her,” Kent said to me a few weeks ago as we laid tangled in the sheets of his dark room. “Let her think that I’m considering her as my wife, Fay.” “Are you?” I asked, hoping that my voice didn’t betray my terror at the idea. That I could lose him to that horrible woman – “No,” he had insisted, taking my chin in his broad hand and making me look at him. “No, Fay, I don’t want her. But…until this settles, until we come up with a solution that makes the business secure without the Bianci’s insisting on a second marriage pact to solidify it? Let her burn herself out spinning her wheels. Let her think she’s getting somew

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