#Chapter 127 – Breakfast in Pairs

1620 Words

When I come out of the shower and move back into my bedroom I’m pleased to see that my clothes for the day have arrived – riding clothes, thank god - and even more pleased to see a little note on top. I scurry over and grab the little white envelope, ripping it open. It’s a simple, short note – as all of Kent’s are: Everything is fine. I owe you. I smirk, a little, at how coy he’s being here. Because if anyone intercepted this note and read it before me, it’s innocuous enough to mean anything. But those words at the bottom? I know precisely what they mean. Who knew three short words could get me so hot. But I sigh and toss the note in my waste basket, knowing that I have to wait, and endure much, before I get to that more pleasant part of my day. But I get ready quickly – drying my

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