Chapter 3: Handsome Hulk

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Mia’s POV I won’t lie. I’ve started liking this girl. Sam! She is quite different. Nugget is no less. And I have a feeling that I’m going to enjoy our friendship. Sam is actually familiar with the whole campus. Her sister Ivy used to study here. She must have been here before. “Mia, can I tell you something?” Nugget whispers in my ear as we enter the orientation hall. Her voice is adorable, especially her way of talking. She is still just a child. Well, can’t blame her. We all are around seventeen or eighteen, maybe. “Yes, tell me,” I respond with a smile. “You know, you are really beautiful. Just a little tanned. But I can give you beauty tips.” Nugget makes her cute face as she speaks. I laugh. She is really cute. My eyes fall on her feathers. Well, a little overdressed. Thank you very much, Nugget. But not from you! “You are sweet, but I think, I’m okay!” I reject her politely. “As you wish! I was doing it for you only, you know,” she appears to be a little disappointed. “You two, stop whispering!” Sam snaps at us suddenly. She scans the whole auditorium and then drags us towards a corner. “Let’s sit here. Then we will keep hidden from those brainless seniors.” She suggests.  I giggle at her words. She is really something. Suddenly the lights in the hall go off. Everyone starts whispering, making chaos. And then I hear a loud gasp as a spotlight falls on the stage. “Sam, what’s going on?” I ask her. “I don’t know. Professors are still not here. Our stupid seniors must have planned something,” Sam comments. Can’t deny it. And Beverly’s appearance on the stage, proving Sam right. Her again! Oh god. She stands tall on the stage, holding the mic as she starts her speech, “my dear idiotic juniors. I can see some of you are flying a little too high, thinking they can do what so ever they want. Let me warn you all. This is my territory. I’m the queen bee here and you’re just a nobody. Any disrespect and I’ll make sure you’ll not survive another day here.” “I guess she has totally lost it this time,” Sam mutters in my ear. “Don’t be worried, Sam. When I’ll become the queen bee, I’ll remove all these restrictions.” Nugget replies. “You i***t,” Sam curses her, and I giggle. She is hilarious. “Who is that? Laughing while I’m talking?” Beverly shouts out loud, trying to find out who it is. Oh god! That’s not me, right? I don’t want any trouble on the very first day here. The room fills with uncomfortable silence. “I’ll teach you how to behave,” her voice echoes in the room. “You, stand up!” She points at someone sitting in the front row. A thin, nervous boy stands up, looking around anxiously. “Get your ass here, on the stage,” she yells again. That overly nervous guy drags his legs to the podium. Poor him. “Sam, was it because of me?” I whisper, anxiously. I am feeling bad for him. He becomes the limelight in a blink. He shuts his eyes, trying to hide his face as the bright light falls on him. His attire is telling, he is one of those nerd types, who probably has never broken a single rule. “Now sing for me,” Beverly orders him. I doubt if he can speak a single word, standing on that stage. His lips shiver a little as Beverly passes him the microphone. His eyes are roaming over the audience. He clearly can’t sing, not at least in this situation. The crowd starts laughing at him. The situation is getting worst. Beverly keeps passing mean comments. I really pity him. I wish I could help. “Oh My God! Isn’t that the youngest son of Albero?” A sudden voice comes from our behind. I turn to face the owner. Though the lack of light is making it hard to see who is there. “Yo, prince charming! Clayton Albero,” Sam replies. "Albero? Like Albero Albero?" Nugget gulps. I can sense an uneasiness in her voice.  “What the hell is going on? Is Beverly out of her mind?” The prince charming shouts. “I pity her,” Sam chuckles. “This isn’t good,” that voice again. “What do you mean?” I ask out of curiosity. God knows what they are talking about! “Babe, The Albero is the old money. But they are very secretive, especially towards their kids. Only very few know how they actually look. In a matter of fact, this is the first time Clayton has come out of his den,” Sam explains. "That's true! I've seen none of them except Mr. Albero once. That too in my dad's office. He is scary, Mia" Nugget adds. “They are the other name of trouble. Especially the elder son.” That voice comments. “By the way, Jackson here,” he introduces himself. “Prince Jackson,” Sam remarks. I giggle. So, he’s the prince, ha? “Mianette,” I reply. “Nice name! Should I add a princess with it?” Jackson replies. “Just shut up, okay, and call her Mia.” Sam interrupts. God knows what she is up to! “Look at you! Those hideous glasses and that horrible hairstyle. Nothing but an i***t! You can hardly get 5 for your appearance where the cut-off is 7. How pathetic!” Beverly humiliates that poor soul once again. Suddenly the auditorium door opens up with a loud bang and a group of hulks walk in. They look intimidating. One of them directly climbs on the stage where Beverly is standing. “Now the fun begins,” Sam becomes excited. “Shut up, Sam. I smell trouble,” Jackson’s voice is worried. “Greystone Albero, the eldest son. He was abroad for years and just have returned, I guess,” Sam informs. “OMG! He is so handsome but scary! Like scary handsome.” Nugget drools over his abs. Well, she is not wrong. Dark brown hair, sharp jawline, and all those muscles that are threatening to rip off the t-shirt he is wearing. It’s hard to believe these two are brothers. Clayton is so thin and pale, and Greystone is like a monster. He is above six for sure, well build. Every inch of his skin is screaming with confidence. Well, Clayton is also tall, can’t deny that. But the rest are quite opposite. “Are you sure they are brother?” I ask Sam. “Haha! You’re funny. Now just wait and watch.” Sam replies. Greystone takes the microphone and steps closer to Beverly. Clayton slowly disappears from the stage. An evil smirk forms on his lips. Jackson is right. I can also smell trouble. My sixth sense is asking me to run away. “Beverly, the queen bee! Did I get it correct?” Greystone speaks with a smile. I’m not liking it at all. Beverly crosses her hands close to her chest as she travels her gaze from the crowd to that giant. “Yes. And who are you, handsome?” She questions. To be truthful, if it were me at her place, I would have run away. That guy has some serious problem. His aura is terrifying. He steps closer. Beverly smiles at his reaction as she dares him, “can’t stay away from me, huh?” She is an i***t! Sam is right. I can sense that guy is up to no good. “Three,” Greystone smirks as he speaks. “Excuse me,” Beverly speaks in confusion. So am I. “You were talking about points, right? Three,” he clears my doubt. “Oh, sweetheart! You will score eight, easy.” Beverly winks. “I’m talking about you. A shameless used slut!” Greystone spells off. Wait! Did he just call her slut on her face! OH MY GOD! “Wha…” Beverly’s scream is stopped by him as he continues, “I’ve seen thousands like you, drooling over my abs, licking every inch of me just to fall into my eyes.” Then his eyes travel on her body, in a creepy way, “wearing pads, right? Do you really think you can satisfy me with those small boobs and a fake ass? Not interested.” I CAN’T BELIEVE! He just didn’t do that! It’s body shaming! I am mentally screaming. I know Beverly is mean, but how can he be so offensive? I have never seen such an arrogant, p*****t, and rude guy in my entire life. To my wonder, many in the crowd are enjoying it, including Sam. Beverly is still on the podium with red eyes. Poor her. “Sam, stop laughing. It’s an assault,” I scold her softly. “Just shut up, okay. Beverly is a slut, and she deserves that.” Sam replies. “How dare you?” Beverly glares at him and raises her hand to place a tight slap on his toned cheek. But her hand is caught in midair. Greystone moves her hand on her back, pulling her closer as he winks, “I like your lips. Maybe I can think of melting in your mouth someday.” Beverly pulls away, pushing his broad chest. Anger is dripping from her eyes. She probably never has been insulted like that. Her anger turns into tears as she speaks, "you're gonna regret every single word you said!" Beverly leaves the stage while wiping her tears. The hall lights up again. Greystone also gets down and walks straight towards us. My heart is pounding. His blue-greenish eyes are never leaving mine. I feel like he can see through me. His intense gaze is terrifying. “Stop staring, babe,” Sam smiles as she whispers. I move my eyes instantly. I hear him chuckle. He stops in front of us. “Hey, Sam, what’s up?” He speaks casually, as nothing has happened. “Hey Greystone,” Sam gives him a forced smile. “And, my man!” He steps towards Jackson. I stop for a moment as my eyes fall on him. Jackson is really cute. His blue eyes, light brown hair, and cute nose. He is really a prince. “Dude, that was rude,” Jackson complains. Now someone is talking sense. “Still dating her?” Greystone’s eyes travel towards me, “or she is your new princess?” What is he talking about? He is out of his mind! He takes a step toward me. “Not so fast!” Sam jumps between us, “stay away from Mia.” “Mia, huh! What a cute name,” that jerk winks at me. I feel disgusted. If he does anything ridiculous, I swear I’m gonna slap him hard, breaking that arrogant nose of his. “Glaring at me, huh? Interesting!” He looks amused. “Greystone, I’m serious. Stay away from her.” Sam repeats firmly. He backs off this time, “see you later, princess.” Sam faces me instantly as soon as he leaves, “listen, Mia. He is not a good guy. He is a player and loves to break hearts. You better stay away from her. Rather, just run whenever he is around.” “Sam is right, Mia. The Albero’s are nothing but troubles. They have their crooked ways of dealing with things. What you have seen here is nothing.” Jackson agrees with Sam. “Okay!” I reply. They are really creeping me out. Enough drama for the first day.
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