Chapter Six

1907 Words
I didn't know what to expect when I woke up. Certainly not this. I remembered feeling as if I were falling from the sky and then, I came to an abrupt stop. My heart was racing inside my chest and for some strange reason, my body felt exhilarated with anticipation. Evangeline, you’re certainly losing it. Imagine if mother heard us saying that at a time like this. She would certainly think I was crazy and would no doubt take me to see a specialist. I shivered in discomfort at the thought. When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in the forest. Instead, I was standing in the middle of a dandelion field. The wind was blowing softly, making my blonde hair lift ever so slightly. The breeze made my eyes water since they felt very dry, but I pushed through the tears to see where I was. I looked down and my eyes widened as I saw a loose white robe hanging from my body. I hadn't been wearing that a couple of minutes ago, I was sure of it. And I didn't know where I was either, something was wrong. I would never go someplace unknown on my own, I was a tad rebellious, but I wasn’t stupid. Before I started to panic, I looked around the everlasting field that seemed to go on for miles and miles. Where am I? I thought to myself as I tried to make sense of what was happening. This must be a dream, there was no other explanation. Yes, that must be it. I probably got home without me realizing it and I went to my room to sleep. I’m sure I’ll wake up soon. My mother will come home from her job and we’ll make dinner together. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, waiting for my mind to relax so that I could wake up. After a couple of moments, nothing happened. Fear began to fill me but quickly sighed and shook my head to keep the thoughts away. After opening my eyes once again, took a couple of steps forward, not knowing where I was headed but anywhere was better than here. I had to go back home. My mother was probably worried sick. Who knew how long I had been out? As I walked, the field seemed to stretch on further and further and both desperation and frustration filled me. All I remembered before landing here was seeing that big wolf. Had he done something to me? He certainly wasn't a normal wolf and after what I had seen back in the library, I wouldn't be surprised. But something inside of me told me that wasn’t the case. Something else had caused this. Finally, I stopped in my tracks and let out a sound of frustration. Was I ever going to get out of here? "It is of no use, child." My body stiffened as I registered the voice that reached my ears. It was both melodic and soothing, how I imagined the voice of an angel to be like. Did that mean I was dead? Dear God, I wasn't ready for that. What would my mother do? She would be devastated if she felt like she lost both my father and me. I couldn't do that to her. Fear began to fill me as I turned around to face the person who had spoken. As soon as my eyes registered her face, I gasped in disbelief. I had never seen such a gorgeous woman before. Her hairstyle was in a half up-do, her metallic platinum hair reached her waist and each strand seemed to be made of silk. She was wearing a dark blue robe that looked like something from an antique Greek mythology book which made her skin look even paler. She was wearing a crescent moon pendant around her neck along with a bracelet of a wolf howling on her left-wrist. Her eyes were impossibly silver and even though it made her look dead-like, an engulfing warmth surrounded her, and I couldn't help but feel confident with her. There was something mystical, almost godly-like to her. And even though she was a bit shorter than me, I had never felt so small in my life. Her presence was empowering, filled with strength and authority. For some reason, I was sure she could erase me of existence with a flick of her wrist. "Who are you?" I managed to mutter through a muffled whisper. I tried to hide my discomfort and wariness and I quickly cursed my voice for giving me away. The woman smiled and with a wave of her hand, she conjured up a bench. The bench was made from tree roots that wrapped around each other in tight knots. It looked both rustic and something from a fairytale book. My eyes widened but I didn't say anything. I was both speechless and intrigued by that point. The woman smiled slightly as she sat down and patted the seat next to her, asking me to walk closer to her. Unconsciously, my body began to move forward until I was sitting next to her. No words came out of my mouth. Obviously, I had many questions, the main one was where I was and how did I get here, but I was sure she was going to tell me soon enough. “Evangeline Patterson, you have certainly grown. I remember when you were a baby, such a little thing, now, there’s a woman sitting next to me. Sometimes it amazes me how intriguing mortal life is. It’s been a long time since I dealt with something as fragile,” she said, and even though she was looking at me, I was sure her mind was elsewhere. I waited for her to continue but she seemed to be in a trance. I didn’t have time for small-talk, I wanted to know what I was doing here, and I wanted to get home. If she wasn’t going to help me then there was no need to stay. “Well, as much as I love small-talk just like the next guy, who are you? How do you know my name? How did I get here? I need to get home to my mother; can you please point me in the direction I need to follow to get out of here?” I asked while holding her gaze. Something inside of me stirred as I looked into her silver eyes and even though her gaze was filled with power, I held my ground and waited for her to respond. “Very direct. I like that. You’re going to need it for the future,” she said with a chuckle before quickly composing herself and straightening. “Evangeline, nothing in your life is a coincidence, nor is it a coincidence you have found me. You see, I didn’t bring you here. You brought yourself here, you’re the one that placed a connection between us. I’m not human and people call me by different names, but I am the Moon Goddess. Mother of the moon and of werewolves,” she trailed off, letting the information sink in before continuing. My eyes widened and I raised an eyebrow. She was crazy, there was no other explanation to explain what was going on. Without thinking twice, a laugh escaped my lips, and I shook my head in disbelief. It was a bad habit of mine when I got nervous. The woman next to me only watched me with an understanding smile on her face. For some reason, that irked me more. “I’m sorry, it’s just… that can’t be possible. How can a bring me to a place I have never seen before? How could I, a young 17-year-old human girl, place a connection between us?” “I understand why you’re so hesitant to believe me. It’s been so long since you last were here.” I raised an eyebrow in confusion and she quickly continued to explain. “Evangeline, the reason why you were ever born is that I intervened. Your parents were never supposed to have a child, much less one as important and special, but I needed you. After all, you are the one that is going to take my place and protect werewolves once I am gone. That has been your destiny since before you were born, it is your duty, your rightful place and it is time for you to step in. My powers are not what they once were, they are fading and at such a terrible time, werewolves are in danger again and I need you to save them.” By the time she stopped talking, I was sure my eyes had doubled in size and my face was paler than hers because even though what she said sounded like nonsense to my ears, my heart knew that she was telling the truth. I couldn’t explain how I knew it; it was just a feeling. A very powerful feeling. “With time, you will remember me and your true purpose. But I am afraid we don’t have time for that to happen. Something big is coming and my powers aren’t what they used to be, I cannot foresee what is going to happen, but you can. Evangeline, listen to me and listen well,” the woman said, her expression had grown weary and the desperation behind her words was evident. At that moment, I would have done anything she asked of me. “I’m listening,” I said without thinking and she nodded her head. “Good. I need you to find Morgan Postmortem. She is a witch, and she can help you remember. It is the quickest way to prevent something bad from happening. Please do this for me, for our people. We need you.” I didn’t trust myself to speak, I was bewildered, and I couldn’t do anything but stare. The name Morgan rang in my mind, but it didn’t sound familiar, much less the last name Postmortem. “We are losing our connection child. It is time for you to go back home. But beware, things won’t be the same from here on out. Don’t close the door on opportunities and things you don’t comprehend yet. Try to be patient and understanding. Everything will be alright and clear once all of this ends. Do you understand?” she asked me, her voice filled with a stern tone, but her eyes filled with a deep warmth. “I understand,” I said, and she nodded. Around me, my surroundings began to change, and the clearing suddenly looked transparent and intangible. I looked at the Moon Goddess once again, she was still smiling at me but after a moment, she closed her eyes and began to disappear as well. Sudden fear began to fill me once the woman was gone and even though I knew I was heading back home; I couldn’t help but cringe because of what had just happened. It all felt so surreal and at the same time true and right. The familiar sensation of being in my body filled me as my consciousness reached its destination. In my mind everything was black, but I began to hear small noises all around me as I regained the ability to move my limbs. Slowly, my eyes began to sting, and I closed them tightly before opening them once again. My blood turned to ice as I realized I wasn’t anywhere I had ever been before. And I was alone.
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