Book 2 Scars

2071 Words

Tammy is not responding to any attempts to make her talk. She is petrified that her parents will find out she spoke to someone. As Sherley is sitting in her office one day, the cops that brought Tammy in came to the hospital asking to talk to Sherley. Sherley is anxious to speak to them, as she wants to know what is going on with the case against Tammy's parents. Audrey has been called to testify against the parents and described what condition poor Tammy was in when she reached the hospital. Psychiatrists for the state department also came in to look at Tammy. Even they could not get a word out of Tammy. Tammy only cries and looks scared as they talked about her parents. It is clear to the people working with Tammy that she was terrified of her parents. The police went back to the old hou

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