Book 2 Moving on

2155 Words

Valerie is sitting outside her and Charlie's house. The twins are growing up fast, and she never saw Charlie so happy; he is the best father she knows, but he likes to spoil the twins a lot, and sometimes she has to put her foot down and say no when he and the twins go shopping with her. She doesn't know who of the three looks the most disappointed when she says no to new toys, Charlie or the boys. Today is no different. The twins are one year old, and they invited their friends and family. The twins can walk and talk a little. All she hears the whole time is 'dada', but it is always' mama' when they get hurt or hungry. Valerie looks at her husband, who has the twins in his arms and talks to Nicolia, Billy, Igor, Laurens, Paul and Clark. He is taller than most of them, and he is handsome.

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