Chapter 18: Two Trucks

675 Words

Chapter 18: Two Trucks May 28, Friday I sat in room 219 again at Doonmyer Hall. The classroom started to fill with my students. Star pupils of Medieval Reading like Tess Larkin, Blaze Chandler, and Mike Roddington found their seats. One of my least favorite students, a slacker named Tom Dragon, slumped into a seat, half asleep. The weather that morning felt chilly and circulated a cold wave throughout the classroom. Rain had taken over the day, presenting thick gray clouds, cracks of obnoxious thunder, and flashes of lightning. Frankly, a lot of people didn’t like the rain, but I had been a fan since childhood. Storms were soothing to my ears and soul. Sometimes I couldn’t ask for a better springtime downpour, which mellowed me out. After I began a lecture on Sir Gawain the Green Knig

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