Chapter 16: Dugan Rises

538 Words

Chapter 16: Dugan Rises Not three sips into my vodka tonic, my cellphone rang on the kitchen’s onyx island. The phone chirped three times, stopped, and chirped three more times. I picked it up and looked at its screen. It read Unknown Caller with a Pittsburgh exchange number. I thought of calling the number back but didn’t. Faye’s comments echoed in my head: I gave Dugan Brae your cellphone number. He’s looking for you. “f**k,” fell out of my mouth, and I shook my head. “Why did Faye go and do that? I’m really not interested in dating anyone right now, even if he’s handsome and rich.” Disturbed, I downed my drink and made a fresh one. Two cocktails followed without giving me a buzz. Three would have sent me over the edge. During my second cocktail, I decided to call Faye and clear my m

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