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"Guys  I want our engagement ceremony to be conducted tomorrow", said Manik.  "Manik how can so much preparations be done, and at such a short notice?", asked Nandani. "Nandani, my sweet little sister you need not worry, and Manik your engagement with Nandani shall happen tomorrow only", said Cabir assuring them. Everyone got engrossed in the preparations. Navya came running from upstairs, and hugged Cabir tightly. She told excitedly, "Cabir, mom and dad are coming today" Cabir just smiled faintly which was seen by everyone.  Navya asked in a low tone, "Are you not happy? You don't want them to come? " "No Navya, its nothing of that sort. I am happy and excited to meet them too. I am eager to ask your hand from them but..", said Cabir hesitantly. "But what Cabir?", asked Navya. "Navya you forgot we are b****y mafia's. No parents shall give their daughters hands to us.. Maybe your parent's might not accept me, bu what if they go to police and reveal our identity. Navya there are lots of problems. I think they shall take you away from me", said Cabir dishearteningly "Cabir why are you being so negative? Mom, dad loves me a lot, all they want is my happiness and my safety. When they shall see how much you love and care for me, I am sure they won't deny to accept our relationships", said Navya. In evening, when they were doing preparations , Adam came.  "Sir, Abhimanyu sir's and Navya ma'am parents have arrived", informed Adam. Cabir and Manik went at the door to receive them. | Ram Naveli & Priya Naveli - Navya's parents Ramman Singh & Ishita Singh - Abhimanyu's parents ] Navya and Abhimanyu hugged them tightly and they too hugged them back. Nandani's eyes were wet with tears recollecting all her memories with her parents *FLASHBACKS* "Grandma, where is mom and dad?", asked Nandani crying. Nandani's parents came, and she went and hugged them tightly. She cried, "Mom, Dad I thought you both were upset with me, since I didn't complete my food, and thus you both left me' "Princess, no matter how much upset or angry we might be with you, we shall never leave you ", said Nandani's mother. "Promise?", asked Nandani. "Promise dear", said Nandani's parents and Nandani hugged them. *FLASHBACK ENDS* Now where are you Mom, Dad you promised me you would never leave me", thought Nandani. Manik noticed tears in Nandani's eyes. He whispered, "Star, what happened?"  "Nothing", replied Nandani and wiped off her tears She greeted Navya and Abhimanyu's parents and touched their feet and took blessing. Navya told, "Mom Dad, Ramman uncle , Ishita aunt , I will introduce you to everyone", said Navya "Besides Nandani is Manik , Nandani's to be fiancee. Besides Manik is Dhruv and Alya they are married , besides them are Aaditya and Zoya they too are married, lastly to the left of Manik is Cabir and Mukti", said Navya introducing them to everyone "Mom-Dad, I love Mukti", confessed Abhimanyu. "And Mommy- Daddy, I love Cabir ", said Navya. "Look Navya I told you before, that I will accept your choice and will let you marry the guy whom you like", said Ram, Navya's father  "Abhimanyu you are mature enough to find a girl of your own choice, and I know your choice is always good", said Ramman, Abhimanyu's father. "Dad, I don't how will I tell you that they are mafia's", thought Abhimanyu and Navya Ram inquired with Cabir, "Cabir what do you do, are you a government officer? Such a tight protection you all are having" "How do I tell you that the whole police force of Asia is behind us", Cabir muttered to himself but he was not much audible to Ram. "What?", asked Ram shockingly. "Sir lets have some snacks", said Manik trying to change the topic. They sat on the dinning table and had their snacks. Ram again asked, "Cabir you didn't tell me, what do you do ?" "Sir we are mafia's ", confessed Cabir, and Navya and Abhimanyu's parents food got choked in the throat. They were in an utter shock. They stood up from the chair. Cabir told politely, "Sir please be seated" "Never, we won't even stay here for a second. Priya, Ramman Ishita , Navya and Abhimnayu lets leave. And Nandani you, you are also not staying over here. We had promised your parents to always protect you, but letting you get engaged with these criminals and mafia's will push you in their dark world" "Sir please, I do agree that we are mafia's but ain't we humans ? Can't we fall in love?", said Manik. "This is  not a movie or a novels, its reality we are not living in fantasies Mr. ? Have you ever heard of a middle class normal girl getting married to a mafia or a gangster.", said Ram. "You guys are not even sure about your life. Anytime you might get killed in encounter with cops, or might be killed by your enemies or rivals. You might put life of our children in danger", said Ramman " Dad I love Cabir, and if you won't accept him I shall go against you and marry him ", said Navya. "No Navya, your first priority should be your parents", said Cabir. "Cabir you need not do these drama okay? You have already poisoned my daughter against me. I am calling up the police right now", said Ram angrily. But Nandani went to him and caught his hands. She told, "Sir, I know they are mafia's but trust me they all are too sweet. A villain , once was a hero uncle. You cannot judge a book by its cover.  Cabir bro,. loves Navya madly and I am sure he will protect Navya always, and so do Mukti -Abhimanyu, and also Manik and I love each other", said Nandani. "What's wrong with you Nandani? This love which you are talking about is all s**t. Open your eyes, and accept the reality, they are b****y MAFIA'S ", said Ram angrily. "No sir, this love is not s**t. Navya is ready to marry Cabir, without your consent, because she loves Cabir. Sir, just think about your children's happiness for once, and just forget for a while that they are mafias. " "Dad please, I love Cabir", said Navya crying. 'And dad so do I love Mukti", said Abhimnayu. "Sir just gimme a chance , I Cabir Dhawan, promises you that I will always protect your daughter and shall give all happiness to her", said Cabir Navya and Abhimanyu's parents loved them and couldn't see tears in their eyes. They could also see Cabir's true love for Navya, and Mukti and Abhimanyu's love too.

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