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Few days passed, Manik became silent. He started to talk less and stayed in his room most of the time. Nandani had became used to his attention, his talk, but now she was missing everything. She thought to talk to Fab 4 about it. They all were sitting in Cabir's room , so Nandani went to Cabir's room and knocked at the door. Cabir saw Nandani , he told, "Nandani my sweet little sister please come in" Nandani went inside and said, "I am sorry to disturb you, I wanted to talk to you'll " "No Nandani you didn't disturb us, Come sit, tell me whats the matter", said Cabir. Nandani told sadly, "Cabir bro what has happened to Manik? Why does he stay so sad and alone most of the time. I can't see him in pain" :Do you love him Nandani?", asked Cabir. Nandani was taken aback with this sudden question of Cabir. "N--o ", she replied stammering. "Whom are you fooling to. Us or yourself ?", asked Mukti. "Nandani you have learnt Manik's secret, what all he has gone through since his childhood, what all he lost in his life, try to bring him out from that pain and depression which he is in", said Alya. "Yes Nandani, Manik doesn't show but he is very depressed, and is in pain. He is covering his pain behind his angry character. He is not a monster Nandani, he had just seen too much pain in his life, so he has become stoned heart to not feel any pain again", said Dhruv. Nandani thought to talk to Manik. She went to Manik's room, and found the door slightly open. She pushed the door and went inside, and found Manik sitting in the balcony. He wore a white vest and black track pants. Nandani went near him, but Manik was so lost in his thoughts , he didn't even notice when she came.  "Manik", Nandani called him out. He came out of his trance and saw Nandani. He wiped off his tears, and asked, "Baby, you didn't sleep yet" "You also have not slept", said Nandani. "I was just looking at the stars, they are so beautiful, I love the way they shine", said Manik. "Manik you stay with me and I will always shine for you", said Nandani. Manik hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.  Nandani told "Manik I am not feeling sleepy". "So, let's stay awake", said Manik. "Manik, shall we watch a horror movie?", asked Nandani excitedly. Manik lifted her in his arms and placed her on the bed. He gave her his laptop and told, "You browse for some good horror movie, I will get popcorn for both of us" "Okay but come soon", said Nandani. "Yes baby, I will be right back", said Manik with a smile. In a few minutes , Manik returned back to the room with popcorn's. He shut the door and locked it. He switched on the AC and sat beside Nandani covering themselves with a blanket.  Manik asked, 'Decided the movie?" "Yes, Annabelle Comes Home", said Nandani excitedly. "Okay let's watch the movie", said Manik.  It was indeed a scary movie. Nandani was hell scared. Due to the sudden appearance of spooky doll, the popcorn fell from her hand in fear. Manik paused the movie and asked, "Baby if you are feeling so scared, shall we stop the movie" "No No Manik--I am not feeling scared--lets continue with the movie", said Nandani stammering. "As you say", said Manik and played the movie. Nandani held Manik's arms tightly digging her nails almost making bruises on his hand. And another horrific scene came, Nandani hugged Manik and screamed, "Manik please stop this movie" Manik immediately paused the movie and kept his laptop aside. He hugged Nandani back and patted her head and said, "Baby calm down" Nandani got relaxed and Manik released her from his arms. He inquired concernedly , "Are you okay?" Nandani nodded in an affirmative. Nandani noticed scratches on Manik's arms, she asked, "Manik what happened on your arms" "You scratched me while watching the movie", said Manik. Nandani felt guilty, she apologized . "No baby, its alright. By the way even cats don't do such Chinese t*****e. Looking at your nails even cats will bow down to you", said Manik laughing. Nandani made a cute angry pout, and started hitting Manik with a pillow. They were laughing like a kid and then Nandani laid beside Manik. Manik hugged her and she snuggled more into his chest and slept. In a couple of hours, Nandani's sleep got disturbed. She looked at the clock it was 4 am . She realized that Manik was not besides her. She searched for him in the entire room, and then opened the door and searched for him outside the room. Than she thought, "The door was locked, than where did he go" Suddenly she saw someone coming from the balcony, she thought that it was some thief or goon.Since it was dark, and she could not see the persons face. She threw the blanket on the person and started hitting him black and blue. She hit him with a vase and started screaming, "HELP, HELP" Hearing her screams, Fab 4 's sleep got disturbed. They ran to Manik's room and saw the scenario, Nandani hitting a man. Cabir inquired, "Nandani , who is he?" "Cabir bro I don't know, my sleep got disturbed and I saw someone coming from the balcony", said Nandani  "Nandani don't worry , I will see", said Cabir assuring her.  Cabir removed the blanket from the persons face and everyone were shocked to see Manik. "Manik ", said FAB 4 shockingly. "Manik it was you?", asked Nandani shockingly.  "Yes Nandani. who will come in our room", said Manik holding his head since he was feeling giddy. "What were you doing in  the balcony?", inquired Dhruv. "Winds were blowing wildly and the curtains were flying, I thought to shut the balcony's door ", said Manik. "Manik why didn't you tell me it was you", asked Nandani. "You didn't allow me Nandani, to utter a word, you started hitting me black and blue", said Manik "Wow Nandani you had beaten him amazingly ", said Cabir laughing. "Cabir I will break your jaws", said Manik angrily. "I am sorry Manik", said Nandani sadly with almost on the verge of crying.  "Baby relax its alright", said Manik caressing her face. He than told FAB 4, "guys you all also go to sleep" FAN 4 nodded in affirmative. "Good Night ", they said and left shutting the door behind. Manik went to the washroom and washed his face, since blood was oozing from his forehead, as Nandani had hit him with a vase. He laid beside Nandani on the bed and saw tears in her eyes. He gently kissed her teary eyes. "I am sorry for hurting you", said Nandani touching Manik's forehead which was red "Its alright baby, my star can never hurt me", said Manik planting a soft kiss on her cheeks. Nandani smiled by seeing how much Manik trusted her. He hugged Nandani and slept cuddling with her. 
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