Chapter 11

1700 Words

When Watters entered the drawing room, Amy was sitting sewing, pale-faced but composed. Mr Beaumont stepped closer to his daughter when Watters told them he had arrested and interviewed both Varthley and Kelly. Beaumont squeezed Amy"s hand. "So this creature Varthley was not acting alone?" "Indeed not, Mr Beaumont. It seems he was part of a group that called themselves the Dundee and Forfarshire Anti-s*****y Alliance. There were only six of them, and they believe that you are trading with the Confederate States of America." Watters waited for a comment before continuing. He did not know all of Beaumont"s commercial interests but was quite sure that he would trade with the Devil if it meant turning a profit. "I have done that," Beaumont agreed calmly. "I have bought cotton in Charleston

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