Chapter 7-2

1911 Words

More profit. More profit. fitfit"Hi! Who are you?" An overseer approached Watters. Stocky and bold, he pushed past the women. "Who said you could come in here?" Well done, Watters thought and said, "I am Sergeant Watters of the Dundee Police. Where is your manager?" Well doneThe overseer"s manner changed at once. "The manager is this way, Sergeant." He led Watters up a flight of wooden steps to the upper level, where the mill"s offices provided a view of the shop floor. The manager was a Mr Cosgrove, weary-eyed, smart in a dark jacket, and with hair long enough to be fashionable in an earlier age. He greeted Watters squarely but listened with growing concern as Watters explained his suspicions. "Fire-raising in my mill?" Cosgrove looked down at his workers. "We must evacuate. I"ll get

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