Chapter Seven

1944 Words
August chewed on his thumbnail as he walked through the halls that his works would be exhibited in by the next month. The fact was both exciting and terrifying to him. Most of his paintings were already waiting patiently in the storage room while both the ones that were in progress and the ones he was yet to touch paint to canvas were in his studio. He wasn't paying much attention to what the woman who was leading through the exhibit halls was saying. His eyes were permanently fixed on the n***d walls as they walked about. His eyes flicked from nail to nail as he digested the fact that his paintings would be hanging from every single one of them soon. "It's grand isn't it?" Russell who'd been walking beside August the entire time asked. August blinked, just remembering that Russell was there in the first place. "Yeah," he muttered, turning to give Russell who was stroking his beard a habitual smile. Their guide soon stopped talking, making August snap out of his thoughts. He looked up to the man his guide had apparently been introducing him to. He stuttered a greeting under his breath, muttering his apology to the man who he learned was one of the main exhibit sponsors. He stretched his hand for a handshake, muttering his apology again. The dark-haired man chuckled at August's distress before taking the smaller man's hand in his in a handshake. "It's nice to meet you," he said, taking away his hand to adjust the collar of his brown dress shirt. "This is my daughter," he suddenly said, bringing August's attention to the petite lady standing by his side. Her hair was up in a bun, with the edges gelled stylishly. She gave him a small wave when she noticed he was looking at her. August gave her a small smile, noting her nails that were done up in an Aztec design. "Oh," August muttered, looking on as the man watched his daughter adjust her glasses. Russell gave August a pat on the shoulder before informing him that he was leaving with our guide. He was soon left alone in the middle of the hall with the sponsor and his daughter. "This is Lisa," the sponsor said, gesturing to his daughter with a smile. She nodded towards August's direction before turning her gaze to the n***d walls. "She's an art student in the college nearby. I'm guessing that you two will get along just fine." August's attention was caught by the sponsor's last words. He turned to look at the man's daughter in a new light. There was something about meeting a fellow artist. It was like meeting a long-lost sibling that you had a lot of catching up to with. "I was wondering if it was okay if she stayed with you while I and Russell talk business. You can keep Lisa entertained, can't you?" the man asked, looking straight at August who nodded in reply. "Okay, I'll be leaving then," the man said, patting his daughter's shoulder before walking off. A small startling laugh left the young woman's lips when her father was out of sight. "I'm sorry," she chuckled as August looked on at her with a confused stare. He watched her wipe the edges of her eyes before she looked on at him with a smile. "You seemed very awkward around my father, I apologize for that," she stated, looking directly at August. The young man smiled, spotting the small birthmark at the side of her right eye. Her smile also made him feel comfortable, it was sincere and friendly. "I'm also sorry for my awkward as well by the way," the lady giggled, stretching out her hand to him for a handshake. "Hey," she muttered in an informal matter as August took her hand in noticing it was soft and smooth. Her fixed nails poked the side of August's hands with their blunt tips, but the lady's friendly smile distracted him from the thought. "It's wonderful that you're getting this opportunity," Lisa muttered as she and August began to stroll through the exhibit together. August nodded, humming under his breath in agreement. It was indeed an amazing opportunity and he couldn't still believe he had it. "Do you want to grab a coffee or a latte? There's a good place nearby," Lisa offered as they made their round towards the entrance for the third time. August muttered a yes in agreement. He reasoned that it would probably be more entertaining than walking around in circles while staring at n***d walls. They left the comfort of the air-conditioned exhibit for the busy sun glazed streets. August partially jumped when Lisa took his hand in hers. He gave their entwined hand a look of confusion, but he didn't object to it. Lisa pulled him along through the busy streets, and after a lot of pushing, rushed 'I'm sorry's and 'excuse me's Lisa and August made it to the entrance of the small private owned café. Lisa let her hand slip from August's, giving him a small smile before pushing the door open and walking in. August followed after her, twitching his nose at the pungent smell of coffee and beverages. August followed Lisa to one of the small circular tables at the far end of the café. He settled on the seat across from her, noticing the small smile on her face as she drummed her Aztec styled fingernails against atop the low-quality wood of the table. "It's not exactly a classy place, but I like their coffee," Lisa said out of the blue causing August to look towards the café's counter. A grey-haired elderly man was busy cleaning its surface while a young lady walked in and out of the back door. Lisa went on about how the coffee and service in the café was homely as the woman that had been walking in and out of the back door came to take their order. August went ahead and ordered the exact same thing as Lisa since he wasn't familiar with the place and didn't want to take something he'd regret. The lady left soon after and a small smile formed on August's lips when he spotted Lisa scribbling on a piece of tissue paper with a pen. "What's that?" he asked, leaning in to watch as Lisa scribbled away. Lisa didn't look up; she just shrugged as she continued to scribble a coffee mug onto the tissue. "That's not half bad," August said, corking his head to the side to observe the drawing when Lisa was done. She chuckled, placing her elbows on the table's surface before resting her head on her laced fingers. "I study graphic design. I'm not exactly a visual artist but I try," She chuckled with a smile as August reached out for the pen to make a slight correction to the drawing. "You're still good," he said to Lisa as the waitress brought their order. She gave them a small smile, wishing them a good day before leaving them by themselves. "You must be really happy," Lisa started as she turned her coffee with a teaspoon. "It's a great opportunity you have to display your work. There are so many talented people and very few eventually get any sort of exposure," Lisa said earning an agreeing nod from August. Of course August was happy. It was just that his mood was fluctuating ever so often because he was conflicted over his choice to leave. "Your parents must be really proud," Lisa said. August's brows knitted in a frown as he thought about his parents. They weren't proud — there was no way they could be. They had in fact done everything in their power to take away what he valued most. "I'm sorry," Lisa blurted when she noticed that she'd obviously struck a chord. "It's okay. I don't talk to my parents," August said, offering an explanation for his attitude. He hated how translucent his feelings were, and he hated making people worry about him because of it. "Well, anyone? What about a partner, or a couple of friends?" Lisa asked, trying to brighten up the conversation as she took a sip of coffee from the red chipped mug in her hands. August stared at her; did he really have any friends? Nit really, but his face turned red at the thought of a partner. He wasn't even sure if he and Vincent were still a couple. August had ignored his email throughout the last two weeks and he wasn't sure what Vincent thought of that. It was confusing, everything was confusing. "Well?" Lisa asked bringing August out of his thoughts. He pushed aside a stray strand of curly hair before sucking n his inner cheek in thought. "I don't really have friends," he confessed, drumming his fingers against the ceramic body of the mug in his hands. He hadn't even taken a sip of the coffee, and he would probably end up wasting the whole thing since it had gone cold. "Oh, you have a partner then?" Lisa probed on. August looked down at the swirl of blown black coffee as he used his thumb to rub against the mug's handle. Lisa questions were making him uncomfortable. He hadn't discussed anything like this with anyone before. "It's complicated. I'm not even sure we're still dating," August muttered under his breath as he blinked back tears in surprise. He wasn't sure why he was so emotional. I don't even know anymore. August looked up at Lisa with a mix of curiosity and shock when he felt her hand find his free one on the table. He looked at her through his teary eyes, staring on at her small smile as he tried to comport himself. "I'm sorry..." August trailed, letting out a low pained laugh. It hurt, acting like he was okay really hurt. "I don't just — I don't know anymore." "It's okay. You know if you feel comfortable enough you can talk to me. You know, get things off your chest. I'm all ears." August nodded, not trusting himself to say anything at the moment. He sighed, blinking back tears for a while before deciding to open up to Lisa. He talked and she listened, only interrupting him occasionally to ask questions. It made him really relieved. It was definitely a good feeling to talk to someone and get things off his chest while receiving advice in the process. They both left the café soon after. Lisa had gotten someone to warm up August's coffee and put it in a paper cup so he could take it with him. "Thanks for listening to me," August muttered with a smile when they started to approach the entrance of the exhibit. Lisa shrugged, giving the side of his hand a friendly pat. Lisa was a lot smaller than August and that said a lot about her size since August was average height at best. "I'm happy I could help. Besides, that's what friends are for." Friends. August thought with a small smile as they walked into the exhibit together. Lisa soon spotted her father. She gave August a farewell wave before leaving with him. Friends. August thought again as he and Russell got into a taxi to get back to the apartment. August smiled, humming one of the R&B songs Vincent always had playing in his parlor at midday. Somehow the memory didn't make him moody. Talking to Lisa might have made it so. Somehow when his life was a mess and a pit of confusion he'd made a friend, and he was grateful for that.
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