Chapter 9

1117 Words

7 Because I’d become accustomed to the speed of time travel the drive felt incredibly long, but I couldn’t very well arrive at my parents’ house on foot. That would definitely raise some eyebrows. I got to the house, and the driveway was full. Great, everybody’s already here, I thought with a grumble as I parked on the street. It would mean more people to distract my mother though which was a good thing. I grabbed the DVD, ripped off the price tag, and walked up the driveway. I spied the new ‘baby on board’ sticker on my sister, Cat’s, car. “Took her long enough,” I mumbled. “Jen is nine months old.” My niece is the cutest baby ever. Not that I’m biased or anything. My sister and her husband both have jet black hair, as does everyone in my family except me, and my little niece

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