Chapter 9

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"Are you nervous?" Dimitri asked me as he drove the car. He must have noticed that I have been fidgeting with my fingers for a while now."You have already met them, you do remember that right?" He reminded me, taking one of my hands into his and placing our intertwined hands against his thigh. I tried to smile but failed miserably. The reason I am nervous today is that I remember that night pretty well and couldn't move on from it. But if I told him that, it would only make him feel sympathetic towards me, "Is it just me or do you feel nostalgic too?" I asked him, changing the subject. I glanced to the side to look at him and found him staring ahead. His eyes were hard, "I will never forget that night" He hissed under his breath and I noted how his free hand tightened around the steering wheel making his knuckles turn white, "I hope my father doesn't ruin this night as well" I sighed and looked away from him, feeling my heart starting to race against my chest. I was definitely afraid of Alessandro and what might he do to me but I wasn't scared of the aftermath, "I don't really mind it even if he does" I said in a small voice, "I don't think so his mean words would cause me a greater pain than I have already experienced" It is true. His words might sting me momentarily but I would easily move on from it because I had already walked through the storm and came back out as a completely different person. I noticed that we were now currently waiting in a traffic light so naturally I looked to my side and found Dimitri already staring at me with intense eyes. My eyes widened and I cleared my throat, looking away from his mesmerising eyes so he wouldn't see my blush,"What are you looking at?" I squeaked out, smiling at the windshield. I felt him squeeze my hand comfortingly, "Just appreciating how beautiful you look this evening" He said smoothly, making the blush on my cheeks grow darker. "Ah he is back" I muttered, shaking my head and smiling at the same time, "The flirty Dimitri is back" I pointed my finger accusingly at him while grinning widely. Dimitri chuckled softly at that, "Is it wrong to be flirtatious with my own girlfriend?" He asked me, his thick accent voice made the word flirtatious sound so adorable that I couldn't help but burst out laughing, clutching my stomach."What are you laughing at?" I heard him say but I was too amused to answer him right away. I don't know for how long I kept laughing but when I looked at him and found him staring at me again, this time with a pleased smile on his lips, my peals of laughter started to fade away, "I never heard someone say flirtatious the way you did" I said, clearing my throat as I speak to stifle the giggle that was threatening to escape from my throat,"It was so adorable. Will you repeat that word again?" "No" Dimitri refused without thinking twice about it. I chuckled again, finding his behaviour amusing. I relaxed against my seat, "Oh, we are here" I announced, recognising the neighbourhood well. Dimitri didn't say anything to that. Eventually, we reached his father's grand mansion and parked the car in a vacant spot next to the red Ferrari. Dimitri helped me out from the car and flashed me an alluring smile, "You really look ravishing in this dress" He complimented me, looking at my face and then at the champagne dress that I am wearing. I opened my mouth to thank him but someone interrupted me before I even started, "Welcome, Rayna" I heard Elena say from behind me so Dimitri and I spun around quickly to look at her, "It is so good to have you back here" Elena continued, bouncing towards me and embracing my frame into a warm hug. I smiled, hugging her back, "Pleasure is mine, Mamma," I said, "How have you been?" I asked her, pulling away slightly to look at her face. Her eyes flickered towards her son and stayed on him as she spoke, "Alright for someone who longed for her son to visit her" She responded sarcastically, "Don't you think it is cruel, Dimitri? You wouldn't meet me easily and you won't answer my calls, mostly that is- Is this how you treat your mother, son?" She was glaring at him by the end of her little rant. I looked up to my side to see Dimitri's expression but he had this poker face on, concealing his emotions, "Mamma, why are you talking in English?" He asked, discreetly trying to change the subject. "So Rayna would know that you're not nice after all" Elena snapped back at him. Then, she noticed that we weren't smiling anymore and sighed, shaking her head, "I am just kidding. I missed you, Dimitri" She said, pulling her son into a hug. I watched them as Dimitri hugged her back, "Me too, mamma" Dimitri sighed. Elena pulled away to look at his face, "Then why you didn't come for a visit?" She demanded. Dimitri's shoulder skimped in defeat, "Unfortunately, you live with the man that I hate" Was his simple answer. Elena scowled at her son before sighing, "Reasonable answer don't you think?" She asked me, raising her shoulders, "Well what are you waiting for? Come in. Nonno has been waiting for you since morning" She added hastily, not giving me a chance to answer her. "How is he?" I asked her, remembering the old man. The last time I met Elena, she said to me that Nonno's health was deteriorating. I suddenly felt grateful to be able to visit him when he is alive. Elena started walking and both me and Dimitri followed her like lost puppies. "He is bedridden but he is still cheerful as ever" Elena answered but there is something in her voice that made me feel like she was hiding something from me. From us to be precise. We walked through a few hallways and finally stepped into Nonno's room, "Hello, Nonno" Dimitri greeted him right away, dashing to cross the distance between them. Nonno was lying on the bed when we walked in and he was reading the newspaper. He glanced at his side and an adorable smile curved at the corners of his lips at the sight of his favourite grandson."Dimitri, se qui piccolo" He said, opening his arms wide to hug Dimitri, "Mi sei mancato così tanto" He continued, his eyes fluttering close when Dimitri hugged him. I understood enough Italian to know what he said. Little does he know, Dimitri missed him as well but the only thing that held him back from visiting his mother and grandfather was his father. "Anch'io. Come stai? hai mangiato bene?" Dimitri pulled back. Nonno smiled up at him and nodded his head, "Si" He said and then his eyes wandered towards me, "Oh, Rayna dear. I almost didn't see you there" He said, switching to English at the sight of me. It might not be a lot for him but the little gesture made me feel valued by him. I smiled at him and walked towards the duo, "Hi Nonno" I greeted the old man, leaning down to hug him. Nonno hugged me back, "My, my, you lost quite some weight. Hasn't my grandson treating you right?" He pulled away to look at my face before glowering up at his grandson in disapproval. I chuckled softly and shook my head, "Oh he does, Nonno" I said, gaining Nonno's attention again."Lately, I have been busy with some work and thus I failed to keep myself healthy" I said the first thing that came up to my mind. I didn't feel like telling him what happened to me six months ago. It didn't feel right to worry him like that. Nonno was now glowering at me, "You should gain your weight soon!" He commanded, pointing a finger at me as if he was scolding a naughty child. I bit back a smile and pretended to be scared, "I'll try my best to do that, Nonno" I said, keeping my eyes down. Nonno realized what I was doing and started to laugh heartily, making me and Dimitri join him as well. Ah, I didn't realize that I missed him as well. "Ah, you must be Rayna" I heard a new voice join us and I looked to the side to find a young, attractive brunette walking towards our way, "Hi, I am Sylvia. This ruthless man's sister" She said, extending her hand towards me while glaring at her brother. Ah, I can see the resemblance. They two had the exact shade of green eyes, "Nice to meet you" I said, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. "Funny way to introduce yourself, don't you think?" Dimitri butted in. Sylvia didn't even spare a glance his way, "I wasn't talking to you" She growled and then smiled at me the next second, "My mother wasn't lying when she said you're beautiful" She said, her eyes studying me carefully. That of course made me shamelessly blush, "Thank you!" I said politely, "You're beautiful as well" I complimented her. It was true. She did look like a model who just came back from a photoshoot. "I know" Slyvia grinned, letting go of my hand, "So how did my brother land himself such a beauty?" She wondered, obviously wondering how someone who is not Italian met her brother. "We met at the airport actually. I bumped onto him" I answered her, remembering that day. "Ah, I wish I can meet the love of my life like that as well" She chirped, her eyes crinkling at sides as she smiled at me. "No, you're not" Dimitri butted in again making her roll her eyes at him, "You're not going to fall in love with someone at least until you turn thirty-five" He continued making me gape at him in disbelief. "There they go again" Nonno muttered quietly. "This is love we are talking about, Dimitri," Slyvia said, crossing her arms against her chest, "It finds us when the time is right. Ugh, you haven't changed at all. How are you dating someone who is not thirty justifies what you said?" She fired at him, turning to face him now. Of course, Dimitri couldn't answer that. The siblings continued to glower at each other while I and Nonno watched them, anticipating what they would do next. We heard a new set of footsteps entering the room and I glanced to the side to see Elena walking towards us, "Slyvia, what are you doing here? I thought I asked you to get dressed for dinner?" She asked, scowling at her daughter, "Go get dressed!" She commanded making Slyvia let out a groan. "I'll see you soon" Slyvia promised me before begrudgingly exiting the room. I watched her until she disappeared from the line of my sight before looking at Dimitri again. "I like her," I said, smiling. "Oh I assure you that she likes you as well" Dimitri muttered under his breath. "Dimitri, you're old enough to not bicker with your sister," Elena said, shaking her head in disapproval. "I couldn't help it" Dimitri responded. "Whatever you say, young man" Elena shook her head, "There is one more person that I would like you to meet tonight. He is already here" Elena continued, glancing at the door. "Mamma..." Dimitri trailed. Judging from the tone he had used, I assumed that he already knew who was coming. "He promised me that he would be on his best behaviour," Elena said, "Please give him a chance. You haven't met him for years and who knows he might have turned into a new leaf over that time" Her eyes were pleading. I was too confused to ask anything. I didn't know who they were referring to. "Him into a new leaf?" Dimitri chuckled dryly without any humour, "The world might end but he wouldn't change, mamma" Dimitri said, his demeanour changed in a split second. "Ouch, brother. That really hurt" Everyone in the room turned their heads to look at the door where the man whom I bumped into at the mall standing there with a smirk on his face. What was his name again, Deric? Dom? Oh, it was Dominic if I am not mistaken. Dominic was Dimitri's brother? "Dominic" Dimitri spat his name out like it was venom. "Dimitri" Dominic greeted in an equally unhappy tone as he started to walk towards us but then, he froze when his eyes landed on me and a soft smile tugged upon his lips, "Well, I didn't expect to see you here," He said, his eyes were trained only on me. Now I knew why he looked so familiar. The three of them had the same shade of eyes. Slyvia, Dimitri and Dominc. I could feel three pairs of curious eyes on me when Dominic said that. Especially Dimitri's burning gaze but I pretended not to notice that and smiled politely at Dimitri's brother, "Nice to meet you too, Dominic" I said. "Indeed nice" Dominic agreed, resuming his steps towards us. I think it is safe to say that I don't have a good feeling about this.
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