Chapter 3 – Waiting it Out

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For a moment, Cassie admired how confident Andrew sounded about his plan. She felt a little reassured that he was so calm and took charge of their situation so that she didn't have to think. “Thank you,” she told him. “You were extremely lucky to find that lighter.”   Andrew nodded. “Okay. Let's walk along until we find a spot, and then I will go get some wood.”   The pair made their way along the shore until it evened out and became less rocky. Andrew deposited Cassie onto a large rock and had her wait for his return. He then went out and collected all the pieces of wood he could find on the shore and surrounding area. Once he returned, he put the wood pieces together in a pile and lit it on fire.   Cassie looked at him gratefully. “This is great. We will be able to dry our clothes.” Once the words left her mouth, she felt her face burn. Her suggestion would mean that she would have to take her shirt and skirt off and that Andrew would come out of those boxers.   For a few minutes, Cassie weighed the horrors of being seen in nothing but her underwear against sitting in wet clothes all night and decided that she would go with the former. She then unbuttoned her blouse and held it up to the fire. Once she felt that it was dry enough, she proceeded to do the same with her skirt.   Andrew watched with quiet fascination. He had never seen a woman take off her clothes in front of him, and he found that he couldn't look away. Her underwear matched her Turner bra, and he felt a spark of desire rise inside him. Andrew gave an awkward cough before he turned away.    None of Andrew's reaction escaped Cassie's attention, and she blushed at being ogled. She subconsciously worried if Andrew would try to do something to her out here in the desert. But, she knew that he was a decent person, and if he wanted to try something, he would have already done so.   Cassie's thin blouse was soon dry, and she hastily put it back on. She stealthily unhooked her bra, removed it under the cover of her shirt, and slowly revealed it. Since it was a thicker material, she decided to hang it on a stick close to the fire to dry.   “I'll... I'll get you something to eat,” Andrew stammered after he gulped.   Cassie looked around. “And what are you going to find to eat in such a place? A convenient ham and cheese sandwich?”   “You'll just have to wait and see,” he replied with confidence. Meanwhile, he started to panic on the inside and selected the Apollo Card to give it a try. Please have this work for me, he prayed in his heart. I don't want to be humiliated after talking about such a big game.   Andrew then turned his gaze towards the water and got an idea. He foraged for the longest stick that he could find and sharpened the end of it against a rough rock. Once it was relatively sharp enough, he headed down to the water's edge.   His instincts guided him further to hover over the shallow water and lie in wait. At the first sign of movement underneath the surface, Andrew threw the spear at it and pierced a fish on his first try. He let out a gleeful shout as he examined the striped bass on the end of his spear and felt reassured that the card was active and that his accuracy was enhanced, but only for ten minutes.    It was a pity that this amazing skill could only last for such a short amount of time. Andrew knew he needed to catch another fish if both he and Cassie were to be satisfied. Luckily, he discovered that his eyesight had also greatly improved.    As he stared at the water once more, his excitement drew the attention of Cassie, who came over to see what was happening. “I was thinking that you were going to fail, but...” she began as she looked at the bass on the ground. “I'm impressed.”   Cassie had to admit that Andrew's skills so far changed how she looked at him, and her approval satisfied his vanity. Andrew was about to say something, but a strong scent entered his nose, and he paused. “Do you smell something burning?” he asked.   Cassie sniffed the air before she turned around towards the fire, and she gasped. “Oh no! My bra!” she exclaimed as she ran back. It turned out that her bra had fallen to the ground and was too close to the fire pit, and as a result, it caught fire.    With a growl, Cassie stomped the bra into the ground and glared at Andrew. “This is your fault. I would have prevented this if you hadn't distracted me.”   There were many things that Andrew could have retorted with, but he found himself distracted by the way Cassie's breasts bounced up and down when she stomped her feet. He shook his head to try and clear his thoughts and ended up blaming her for coming over to see him in the first place. But Andrew didn't voice this and instead rejoiced at the knowledge that Cassie would be braless from here on out.    Andrew cleared his throat. “You're right; it's my fault. May I cook for you as compensation?”   Cassie nodded as she placed a hand on her stomach. “I'll forgive you only if it's delicious.”   He proceeded to debone and prepare the fish with the help of a pair of scissors. The scissors were one of the rewards, and Andrew was finding that the rewards provided by the system were very useful. Even the small bottle of salt was put to use at this point in time. He presumed that the Bruce Lee card would also come in handy sometime soon.   While Andrew cooked the fish over the fire, Cassie asked him where the salt had come from. He explained that he had found it just like the lighter, and she didn't care enough to question further on this unbelievable streak of luck.   The smell of cooked bass permeated the air, and soon Cassie and Andrew ate their dinner. Andrew found that the meal restored some of his vigors. The two of them sat by the fire and spoke very little as the hours ticked by. Eventually, both of them chose to entertain themselves by poking at the fire.   The sky began to grow lighter, and Cassie perked up. “The sun's coming out! We should try to find a road and flag someone down,” she suggested.   Although Andrew wanted to spend more time with her, he knew they'd better leave this place as soon as possible. “I agree. I'll put out the fire.”   The two of them used the light of dawn to make their way from the lake and into the desert brush. Since they had to avoid touching cacti with every step, Cassie was soon worn out with traversing such a rough landscape. “Andrew, hold on,” she panted.   “Not strong enough yet?” he asked as he turned around.   “No. I'm sorry.”   “Here.” Andrew squatted down and offered Cassie his back. “I'll carry you.”   She hesitated for a moment before she climbed on. “Thanks.”   Andrew carried Cassie on his back, and he felt overjoyed. She was lightweight, and with only the thin fabric between them, he could even feel her breasts. He was still a virgin. He worked hard earning his tuition during college and hadn't even held a woman's hand yet.   Now with a slender and delicate woman on his back, he was naturally spellbound. Andrew wished that this moment would last forever.   Meanwhile, Cassie found that her heart strangely skipped a beat. She was usually proud and remained indifferent to her pursuers. It was the first time she had been so close to a man whose warm body seemed to be burning her.   Being a sought-after and popular woman, she was always arrogant and indifferent to the opposite s*x, but she had been through a lot today. She had even shown a man her underwear, and the experience was so embarrassing that she had lost some of her pride. It was indeed a low day for Cassie Lambert.  
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