truth be told

351 Words
Haaa. Beatrice let out air and then exhaled then layed down in her bed with a notebook in her hand that seems to be written by her. The notebook was different because of the letters that was writtin at the front, the words that are written was . Flip.Flip. Beatrice open the book and started reading it. The story was about a peasant girl and a dumb boy. Cliches romance. Flip.Flip.Flip. Beatrice was still flipping the page even though the story ended and the pages was already blank she stared at the blank page then had thrown the book like a rat. "tsk.written all the thing I remembered but all the information here is useless" beatrice clicked her young then moved her hands to her face and brushed her hair. She closed her eyes then looked at the ceiling and was thinking the day she where she had her first memory and started to go back from the beginging. Going back about 8 years ago when Beatrice was born and the day where she open her eyes on the world and felt soft hands holding her, she suddenly felt dizzy and fainted even though she was a newborn. Days past by and Beatrice was in a coma for a month but she woke up the day she was born it was like she was reborn and well she was, to be more precise she reincarnated and the first thing she realize just by looking at her family she was in a novel she read in her past life that was titled she was happy to know that she was a family from the male lead side but then felt depressed by knowing her name for the first time it's because Beatrice is the half sister of the male lead that died from a young age, in the novel Beatrice just had one scene from the but when she lived through as Beatrice she discovered something unbelievable that was never mention in the novel and that was the secret she had heard from her father and the butler
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