This can't be happening?!

351 Words
"Master you can let go" Beatrice said budging her master arm that was gripped into her sleeves, Cynthia looked at Beatrice then put her down and the both started running. Bang. bang. They run and run through the forest while shooting attack magic at the people behind "Master explain all of it in summary" Beatrice said while shooting "Aqua Expand"water magic on the enemy "Look at you ordering me around, I see that you look at me as a role model.I am honored" Her master said and snugged but what Beatrice saw was not the smug but the eyes that looks worried "Master" Beatrice said in a serious voice and so her master stopped her jokes and got to the point "Assassins from the kingdom came, it looks like they found me" Cynthia said then turned around to the enemy creating wind spell to cast them off. "Wait, those fuckers did this and why?" Beatrice cursed and stared at her master then said "Why don't you ever tell me anything" Beatrice said but then was startled at her master sudden actions, her master blast her away then smiled back "I will tell you everything but not physically, don't be too dissapointed and never forget what I had taught you. always remember that I had loved you not as a teacher but a mother as well. Don't skip meals and have enough sleep my child" And that's the last memory Beatrice had with her master and mother. * "Gasp!" Beatrice gasped and then stand up then walked toward the door hurriedly and run at the forest "Master! , Master! "Beatrice shouted in desperate but she stopped running when she saw a baby dragon blocking her way "Human, you need to go back and rest" the baby dragon said "Shut up and move" Beatrice said glaring but the baby dragon didn't budge and continues to speak "if you are looking for another human I found one at the forest near your body" "Where is did you put master body?" "inside that house,thats why you don't need to come out" Step. Step.
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