Goddess Blessed

2766 Words
I glanced out through the open French doors leading outside where the moonlight was just beginning it's transition to blue and a smile curved my lips. "Right now," I murmured and pushed out of his arms, shifting before my feet even touched the ground. As soon as my paws met the moon drenched backyard, I felt all of my injuries from my earlier beating heal instantly and power unlike any I had ever experienced coursed through my veins. I was finally eighteen and at long last I could leave this hellish place once and for all. I turned to regard my mate, totally prepared for immediate rejection and found him staring at me in awe. I guess my pearly blue fur is enough to catch even the mighty Niklaus Corvinus off guard. Selene wandered over to him, twining in between his long, muscular like a giant domestic cat and I held my breath for his reaction. Instead I felt his calloused fingertips sift through my fur with an almost reverence and his eyes glowed with adoration as he knelt in front of me. His hands framed my large head, his thumbs gently stroking my snout and Selene reached up to lick his cheek. He chuckled at the innocent gesture, leaning forward to kiss Selene's nose and she let out an excited yip, her tail wagging like a new puppy. "This pack is full of fools. You are nothing short of a miracle, my beautiful mate, and they are simply too blind to have seen it." By that time many of the Blue Forest pack members had gathered round, including my parents and the Alpha who scoffed at Niklaus's observation. "The pack w***e? Special? The only thing that she's good for is a warm body to release pent up frustration from the day on. The Elders chose a weakling as the champion to carry out their order if this trash is the best mate the goddess has seen fit to pair you with." Selene whirled around with a fierce growl and lunged at the waste of space that had dared to disrespect our mate. We may have been willing to take the beatings and abuse and bide our time until I turned eighteen, but that time had come and I was done being walked on. The moon had just reached its zenith, the blue rays making my fur appear to have an otherworldly glow and I felt a wave of power even greater than the one from earlier. Selene threw her head back and released a howl, the sound ringing through the trees around me and her cry was returned by wild howls from the wolves that called their forests home. I was in utter shock because only a True Alpha can illicit that kind of response from wild wolves, but Selene simply continued staring Eric down. Obviously she had known this all along and chosen not to tell me. I was hurt by the omission from the only friend I'd ever had, but I knew it wasn't the time for questions so I stored them away for later. Eric was either too dim witted or too stubborn to realize the magnitude of what had just happened, but my dad took a step forward with tears gleaming in his eyes. Although I didn't truly know him, I felt drawn to him because he was the only one who had ever tried to protect me and only stayed at a distance because of the Alpha's command. I was nothing more to Eric than an experiment and as such he did not want to allow me any emotional ties, especially not to the Beta of his beloved pack so he commanded that he avoid his daughter. He still did everything within his power without violating the command, making sure that I received enough food to survive and was given hand me downs from the Omegas. He intervened in most of my beatings before too much harm could be inflicted and always strived to keep me as safe as was possible. "There's nothing special about that worthless mutt and I will enjoy absolutely nothing more than ending her in front of you." He reached out to snatch me up by the scruff, but Selene side stepped his grasping fingers and locked her jaws around his wrist, causing him to howl in pain. "You know the consequences for attacking an alpha. Now you die, you filthy mongrel!" "ENOUGH!" The word boomed through the entire clearing, causing pack members to whimper and fall to their knees in submission before the power of his wolf. Even Eric seemed to second guess his choices when faced with the full magnitude of Niklaus's fury, but I had a feeling that it was far past the point where Eric had a chance at survival. "You know the sentence for threatening the Luna of another pack and the Elders have already sanctioned my challenge for leadership. It is well passed the time for you to die and for this pack to be dragged out of the darkness that you've led it into. Shift," he commanded and I heard bones cracking as Eric fought against the shift that he would be forced to comply with. "The more you struggle, the weaker you will be and you're going to need your strength for the fight to come." With that, Niklaus dropped towards the grass and his giant silver wolf was instantly in his place as he shifted faster than my mind could even process. He lunged forward in a blur of fur the second Eric finished shifting and tore his throat out with a mighty roar of rage. I wanted to look away from the gruesome sight, but Selene refused to tear her gaze away from Atlas no matter how much I begged. Willow, look at how strong our mate is and how ferociously he protects us! We can trust mate to take care of us. Watch, I'll prove it. She didn't bothering waiting for my reply, just nimbly pranced over to his enormous wolf and nuzzled his throat, exposing her own in the process in a show of submission. He nudged her head gently until she rose to her full height, licked her muzzle, then threw his head back and cried out to the great blue moon. Atlas loves us and so does Niklaus and both of them accept us as their mate. I want explanations. Now. Questions later. Mate now, she replied like a petulant child. So help me goddess, Selene! Shift back now and tell me what the hell we are or I swear I will block you out and never speak to you again from this day. I could feel her shock within me as she immediately complied and I was instantly human again with just the blue shimmer of magic. I knew that I had hurt her feeling, but I didn't care at the moment. I needed answers and if she hadn't listened, I had been fully prepared to follow through on my words. If one of us was to completely shut the other out, it would result in the other being permanently trapped within their mind and forever unable to reach their other half. We may be two different souls, but we resided within one body and had been with each other since birth, neither of us had ever known a life without the other. Yet she had been keeping secrets from me our whole lives and I couldn't stop the feeling of ultimate betrayal that engulfed me. I could feel the eyes of the entire pack as well as Niklaus and it was suddenly too overwhelming to endure so I turned on my heel and bolted. I sensed my mate following closely, but I needed time to myself so I tapped into my newly awakened abilities and put on a burst of speed that blurred the forest all around me. I did not slow until I reached the only place in our territory that I had ever felt a moment of peace and I collapsed to the cave floor under a glimmering shaft of moonlight. My fingers grazed the surface of the waters of the underground spring fed lake and calmness slowly seeped into me, allowing me to form a coherent thought. What are we, Selene? What have you been hiding from me? I could feel her searching for the right words so I remained silent and allowed her time to formulate a response. She knew I would accept nothing less than complete honest and she also knew that I would be able to sense if she were to ommit anything. I've always told you how special you are, Willow, but I needed for you to come into your full powers before I told you everything. Your parents are not who you think they are, but to explain that I must first tell you who I am. I was given a vision the day that I created Michael of a great evil that would befall my children and I knew that I had to intervene. I knew that the other gods would never permit me to walk the Earth in my true form so Atlan and I went to Zues with a plan that he found acceptable. When the time came, I would bear a child who would be birthed by a werewolf under a blood moon and would come into her full powers under the light of the Blue moon. This means that after coming of age, my child would become the most powerful to ever exist, even more powerful than both of her parents combined. To ensure that you would become the leader that you were always meant to be, I used a part of my consciousness to become your wolf. In doing so, I lost all of my memories aside from my plan to make you strong. To help you find your mate when the time was right, Atlan also sent a piece of his soul to Earth to become the wolf of the last living Corvinus, the only True Alpha aside from you. Her tale was so fantastical that I could barely comprehend it, but I had managed to grasp one bit of information very clearly and it nearly made me gag. You mean to tell me that Niklaus is my mate and that our wolves are my parents? That is disgusting! Selene scoffed as though my conclusion were absolutely ludicrous, but her take made my assumption correct and I defied her to prove me otherwise. Both of your parents are still very much alive and well within the Kingdom. Atlas and I are separate entities from the goddess and King Atlan, but we share your parents love for you. The two of us had never even met until you two found each other tonight. The only memory that Atlas was gifted was the insatiable need to find and protect his mate. He's been searching for you since her turned sixteen and was old enough in the eyes of his people to come in search of you. All that he sees when he looks at you is the pure perfection of his mate. She remained quiet in my mind as I struggled to swallow all of the information she had just unloaded on me. What she said made sense when I took the time to think about it. I was the first and only werewolf to be born in wolf form, even Lycans didn't gain their wolves until one year old and then they lived the next two solely as a wolf. It also made sense when coupled with the fact that Selene was the name of our goddess, the mother of all wolves. I had one more question though. What is my father? Who is Atlan? Selene's chest puffed with pride when I asked my father's identity and I sensed her love for a man whom she had never truly met. It was a nifty trick on the goddess's part, instilling enough of her essence in my wolf to guarantee loyalty and still allow me to become my own person. You know your history, Willow. Atlan is the king of Atlantis, ruler of the seven seas so of course he would have fallen for your mother, goddess of the moon. She who controls the power of the tides. You are the absolute best of them both. You alone can control the tides and be one with the sea and the shore. You are the sole link between the land and the sea and you alone have the power to save them both. I needed to process all of the information that she had just dumped in my lap and I had always done my best thinking in this lake. It made perfect sense when I took into account who she said my father was. I stripped out of my baggy clothes, slid into the lake's healing chill and floated on the surface, gazing up at the fading blue of the moon through the hole in the cave's ceiling. I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize until the intruder cleared their throat, but instinctively I knew precisely who it was. If I hadn't been absorbed in my own thoughts, I would have noticed the pull of the mate bond long before he made himself known. I was bold within the chill of lake's embrace and met his stare full on, unphased by the vulnerable position my nudity left me in. "Selene tells me you're our mate. She says that I should trust you." "You should trust your wolf more." He grunted the words out and his emerald gaze darkened as the assessed my naked form, a growl rumbling deep within his chest. "Who did this to you?" He gestured to the scar that ran from my collar bone to the center of my sternum and I simply shrugged. "The people who I was supposed to be able to trust. I have worse still visible and hundreds more that time was able to heal. Physically at least." "Show me." His voice was guttural as though the idea that I had been traumatized and tortured brought him physical pain and I felt compelled to respond. Not because he had forced me to with his Alpha tone, but because the mate bond demanded that I trust him and what reason did I have not to? The first thing that Niklaus had done upon my waking was rip the throat out of another alpha who had dared to threaten me. No one aside from my father had ever dared to try protecting me, much less succeeded. I didn't understand why he would want to view the scars that marred my body, but I also did not see the harm in showing them to him because I had long since accepted them as a part of myself. Besides, it wasn't like I could very well hide them from my mate considering I was currently floating naked in the water. My slick body glided gracefully to the edge of my favorite lake and took the hand that Niklaus offered, allowing him to pull me from the water effortlessly. I c****d my head slightly to the side, studying the emerald depths of his eyes and keenly noting the brilliant gold flecks that appeared as though they were stars in the galaxies. I couldn't for the life of me believe that I had ever foolishly thought his eyes were a solid color. No, they were an entire galaxy of golden star that shimmered upon an ocean of evergreens. Goosebumps raised all over the naked flesh of my arms and I had to fight the sudden urge to leap into his embrace. "Mate," I purred as my hips swayed seductively and I made my way closer to Niklaus. "Yes. Mate," he growled in reply, his hands gravitating towards my hips and the light touch was enough to send tingles running all the way through to my toes. His gaze never left mine as his fingers traced my waist, then danced across the incline of my ribcage. Heat flooded my entire being, forcing a faint moan from my lips and I watched with fascination as lust darkened his gaze into a stormy night lit by nothing more than fireflies. "We can get to know each other better later. Please, I need to see your scars." "Why? Scars mean that the wounds have healed and I lived. That's all that matters."
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