CHAPTER 35 Moments Together

1354 Words

  Chase   Well...   It turned out that Jade had embarked on a mission to drink her way back home, and she executed it with remarkable success.   By now, she was thoroughly drunk, her laughter echoing through the night air like wind chimes in a storm. Every now and then, she'd direct her colorful curses toward Devon, her words slurring. In fleeting moments, her fingertips traced the contours of my cheek and jaw, whispering desires that sent shivers down my spine, making it increasingly difficult to focus on the road ahead and keep my sanity intact- she' d made it very clear that she wanted me to f**k her again and not stop.   She was really something...   There was an otherworldly quality about her- an intoxicating blend of innocence and allure. She possessed a magnetic pull that threa

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