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The door to the treatment room closed gently. Riley refused to look at Wren and his fake disappointed face for putting her in this situation. Wren had clearly lied to her fatally. All his kindness was fake. She would only be sacrificed for his friend who was rich but had an aura as dark as the night. Riley's body shuddered with fear every time she remembered Logan Hatcher's savage face. The man was not the typical gentleman. He didn't even hesitate to show his anger in front of her when she refused to bear his baby. Logan had terrible impulsive actions. She couldn't hide the fact that she was scared the first time she saw the man appear in her room. Then now she became even more afraid because she would live with him during her pregnancy. Oh no! I don't want this baby. With tears streaming from her eyes, Riley looked down to stare at her belly hidden under the plain blue pajamas. She couldn't feel anything in there yet. She honestly wanted to deny Logan's words about the baby growing in her belly. Maybe he was lying. There was no baby in her belly at all. Logan was probably plotting something against her. Kidnapping? Or she would be sold to become a b***h in the slum clubs on the edge of town. The thought of all that made Riley's stomach churn and she felt nauseous. The urge from her stomach created a bitter taste at the base of her throat. She stuffed her mouth quickly, then tried to calm herself by taking as many breaths as possible until she felt calm and she could think clearly. When she was lamenting her very sad life, the corner of her eye glanced at the IV needle stuck in the back of her hand. The tube was still flowing the vitamins her body needed. However, after being treated for more than a week, she felt that her body was getting better, and she felt stronger to escape. She didn't need any more IV fluids. Riley pulled the IV needle hard. She let out a soft cry when she felt a painful sting on the back of her hand. The needle fell out and left ugly pale wrinkled skin on the back of her hand. Riley's eyes watered as the pain was so bad. She even had to stuff her mouth with a pillow to muffle her loud screams. She had always hated needles. She thought her fear of needles had lessened as she grew older, but she didn't. She was still horrified, and she needed some time to get over the pain and blood running down the back of her hand. Riley carelessly wiped the blood with her blanket. Then she got out of bed and trotted over to the cupboard in the corner for a pair of jeans and a thick maroon sweater. She was really grateful that Wren gave her a set of those clothes to wear when she got out of the hospital. She snatched the clothes from the hanger and put them on quickly while occasionally turning warily toward the door. She was afraid that someone would suddenly enter and catch her trying to escape. But if she wasn’t mistaken, the nurses wouldn't be in her room until another two hours or so to deliver lunch. And the IV fluid that was currently dripping on the floor had just been changed an hour ago, so the nurses shouldn't have had any reason to come into her room at that time. Five minutes later, Riley was wearing all her new clothes, and she was observing her appearance in the mirror. Her face was still a little pale, but it was better than a week ago, when she had just woken up after passing out. Now she could see a faint blush on her cheeks. The dark circles under her eyes had almost disappeared. Her thin cheeks had turned chubby. And her lips, which were previously pale and chapped, now looked fresh and bright pink. She was now sure that her appearance was quite good. People wouldn't know that she was a patient on the run. Slowly, Riley opened the door to her treatment room. She poked her head through the gap in the door she had created. Her two eyes carefully scanned the conditions outside her very quiet treatment room. People seemed to have gone to their respective rooms to take some rest before lunchtime. The nurses were nowhere to be seen in the hallway. Riley only heard the noise of the nurses talking at the nurse's station. This seemed like the perfect time to run away. Riley stepped out of her treatment room. She was worried that her feet were wrapped only in sandals. She should have worn shoes to protect her feet from the cold in late autumn. But there was no time to steal shoes now. She needed to get out of this hospital as fast as she could to get as far away from Logan and Wren as possible. Riley's breath was blowing hard behind the collar of the sweater that she stretched to cover her chin. She walked around the hallway of her treatment room. She hesitated for a moment because she had to pass through the nurse's station before she could reach the elevator. She was afraid that one of the nurses would recognize her and thwart her entire escape plan. But from the hallway on the left she saw three women who had just come out of a first-class treatment room. The three of them walked past her, and kept on conversing without paying her any heed. She quickly followed the three women and followed them with a downturned face as she passed the nurse's station. None of the nurses paid attention to her. They were too busy gossiping about an actor who had just been caught having an affair. She kept her pace constant until she got into the elevator, and then she leaned back with relief in the farthest corner of the elevator. The three women she had followed were still busy chatting without noticing her presence in the elevator. At the lobby, everything seemed easier for her. No one recognized her and no one noticed her. Riley walked straight toward the exit of the hospital. A security guard greeted her and opened the door for her. She didn't return the man's warm greeting and just kept walking without looking back at all. No one should be allowed to see her and recognize her within a radius of two kilometers because she would be safer that way. Her body shivered as soon as she stepped foot in the hospital parking lot. A cold wind blew fiercely and fiercely around her frail body. Now she felt her body so small and weak. She was even worried that the wind might blow her body away. But she kept going and walking. Her arms hugged her tightly. She almost wanted to run back into the warm lobby for some cozy warmth. She rejected the idea and continued walking across the wide hospital grounds until she reached the outside of the hospital grounds, and she began to walk slowly along the busy sidewalk. Riley felt so vulnerable and alone. She had never had a close friend who could help her. She rarely built closeness with them because she no longer had time to gather at school. Her mother always told her to go home immediately after all formal activities were finished. Sometimes she wanted to stay longer at school to gossip with her friends about the popular boys at school. Or they could talk about their cruel teacher and their teacher who always made them sleepy in class. Whatever it was, Riley felt very sad that she didn't have a single memory of those things. And what was worse was that she had no place to live at that time. At least she needed a free place to stay for a few days before he got a job. Feeling tired, Riley stopped her steps in front of a shop that had a bench in front of it. She plopped down on the bench languidly, and then she buried her face in her palms to cry.
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