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Riley was tempted to run away from Logan Hatcher's stately home when she got out of the car and Logan was busy with his cell phone in the car. Logan probably wouldn't have caught her if she ran through the half-open giant gate. She saw Jacob concentrating on his headset and standing with his back to the gate. The man's fingers danced in the air, like he was following the melody from his headset. Riley was sure Jacob wouldn't see her if she tried to sneak out of the giant gate. But she was worried that she couldn't run that fast. The distance between where she was standing, and the gate was about three hundred yards. Coupled with the distance from Logan's house to the main road that is passed by vehicles is about half a mile. If Logan realized her intention to run away, he could outrun her. "Come in." Riley flinched in surprise when Logan suddenly pulled her arm violently to climb one by one the stone steps in front of his house. She almost tripped on the second step because Logan was pulling her too hard and in a hurry. Her legs were very weak and cold. The thin sandals wrapped around her feet could not protect her from the cold autumn wind. “Can you treat a woman gently?” "Since you ran away this morning, you have proven to me that you are not a woman who deserves to be treated gently." The wooden door in front of them opened. Riley gulped nervously when she saw the burly men in all black and gun belts on their waists lined up behind the door. They were exactly the same as Logan said. Their faces were hideous, their gazes intense, and the guns in their belts made Riley nervous. She imagined how if the gun was used to shoot her if she tried to run away from their boss, she would definitely die instantly with their guns. “All of you come out. Just remember this girl's face carefully. From now on she will live here and she is carrying my baby. You have to keep an eye on her while I do my business. Don't let her run away." "I have a name," Riley said sharply. She didn't like being thought of as a ghost in that room. Logan looked at Riley's face sharply with twitching lips. His dark eyes only locked on Riley's face. "Her name is Riley. You like that, rebellious girl?” “You just have to remember that I am not a thing, I am a human and I have a name. They have to treat me well here.” "You all heard that, treat our princess well," Logan retorted scornfully. Logan's eyes were still locked on Riley's face. His jaw tightened and he was filled with anger. For the first time, he faced a stubborn teenage girl like Riley. She should be afraid of his power. Riley should respect him as her new boss now. He didn't like a rebellious and stubborn girl. “Guys, you mustn't touch her while she's staying here. You can only kill her if she tries to run away from me again. Now come out, go back to your business." Riley didn't say anything. She pursed her lips tightly as she watched the line of well-built men one by one come out of Logan's door. There were about fifteen of them. Riley looked at their profiles one by one and stored the information in her brain. There was a man with a wide face and round eyes. The others had gentleness behind the fierce expression they showed. But then Riley was startled when she saw the fifth man in the line staring back at her. He sent a terrible threat behind his cold face. He was the only man to stare at her out of the fifteen men assigned to watch over her. Who exactly is that man? "Now come with me. We'll talk about our business in my den." While Logan was walking very fast in front of her, Riley observed the interior of Logan's house, which was now her house. Logan's house was the house she had always wanted to live in. A spacious and luxurious two-story house. The interior of the house was dominated by gold and black, which implied Logan's classic but tough character.. He was a man of classic high taste. "Through this way." "You said we'd talk business in your den?" Riley stood warily in the doorway as Logan had descended the two stone steps in the dark passage. “This is the way to my den. You think I will take you to a dungeon and torture you?” "Maybe you will." Riley hated the dark. That was what made her afraid and hesitant to follow Logan's steps down the stone stairs. It seemed like the stairs were quite steep. She couldn't see the end of the stairs because of the darkness that enveloped the entire room. "Are you scared?" "I'm wary. You might indeed torture me because you're upset that I ran away from you." Logan growled, displeased. Riley might be the woman he wanted to be the mother of his child, but he didn't like her stubbornness, which was so troublesome. “You really won't find a dungeon or room full of tools to torture you. Down there is only my workspace. And believe me, there are a lot of lights there. You don't have to be afraid. The lights will come on as soon as you close the door.” Somewhat hesitantly, Riley moved his feet down the stairs to Logan's study. She then closed the door behind her as Logan said. Instant darkness enveloped her. She choked and started to get scared. She was about to run back to the door before Logan caught her waist and suddenly the lights came on brightly around them. Riley gulped nervously when she found Logan's face very close to hers. His breath was warm and minty around her very sensitive sense of smell. Logan stared at her intently for a few heartbeats that were excruciatingly painful for her. "I told you this place would be lit up with lights." “Y-you can let go of your hand now.” "You promise you won't run away?" he replied in a deep, husky voice. Riley nodded stiffly in Logan's arms. Then slowly she felt Logan's hand loosen from her waist. He watched her for a few seconds, then walked downstairs to his study. -00- At the bottom end of the stone steps, Riley found an oval study surrounded by very tall bookshelves. All the bookshelves were full of the books she loved so much. Riley almost squealed with joy to run around the bookshelves and find the books she liked to read. But Logan's loud growl reminded her of the fact that she hadn't come to Logan's study to read a book. “You can read the books you like later. Now let's finish our business first." "I didn't think you were a nerd." “Everyone has to read at least one book before he becomes a successful person. Sit down." Riley couldn't help but sweep her eyes around the whole place. Logan's chamber was unique. Surrounded by giant bookshelves and hundreds of books with the alluring smell of old paper. Back when she was still in school, the library was her favorite place. Even though it sounded cliché, she liked it. Riley liked to be between the past and the future. Books could always teach her about the past and future which were not easy to predict. “Are we going to have a contract?” Riley noticed the movement of Logan's hand while he was making some scribbles on a paper. He seemed to be writing down the key points of their agreement. "Let's go over some of the key points and my lawyer will make a legal version." "You're a businessman, right?" "I told you before," Logan replied nonchalantly. He was busy writing some important things on paper and didn't notice Riley's frown. “Wren said you've been hospitalized before. Why did you get shot? What business are you actually in?” “Remind me to stuff Wren's f*****g mouth with my shoe. What did he tell you?” Logan didn't like other people knowing his weaknesses. The shooting incident made his image as a powerful and arrogant man disappear. People started to know his weak points. He managed to silence journalists from writing anything about him, but still the shooting was the most embarrassing thing he had ever experienced. "You'll be mad at Wren if I tell you what Wren has told me." "Forget it. The incident has passed. There won't be anything like that again. You're safe." "I hope so," Riley muttered sadly. Logan's growl snapped Riley out of her thoughts. She reflexively looked at Logan, and he locked her eyes with his dark eyeballs. “The first point, you will be the mother of my child with the guarantee that you will get full protection from me and all the facilities you need during your pregnancy. The second point, you have to eat all the food that has been prepared for you.” "What if I don't like the food that's served to me?" “You still have to eat it because all your food has been adjusted to the nutritional needs of my baby-to-be. Do you have any allergies to certain foods?” "I can't eat spicy food." "I'll take notes." “I don't like eggplant, avocado, papaya and steamed fish. It's too fishy." Riley's face contorted, as if she was going to throw up at the thought of eating the steamed fish she hated so much. “Well, dear princess, most of your food is steamed fish. Omega three in fish is good for my baby's brain development. You can't skip steamed fish, but I'll make sure you don't get avocado, eggplant and papaya in your daily foods." "Oh believe me, that's disgusting. Have you ever eaten steamed fish?” “Several times a month. Not too bad. Whatever it is, you should include steamed fish on your menu, Riley.” Riley pursed her lips pouting. She couldn't imagine eating steamed fish during her pregnancy days. Ughh... she couldn't even imagine her stomach suddenly bulging and filled with a baby without ever being touched by a man. Oh God! Riley started to regret why she used to be so innocent and sweet. She strictly followed her mother's rules. She always tried to be a good girl to her parents. She refused to date several men who openly liked her because her mother told her to. Her mother said she couldn't date until she graduated from high school. And now, she regretted all the good things she had done for her mother because her mother kicked her out of the house and all her sacrifices had been in vain. She lost her youth and lost her family's love. "Is there anything else you'd like to add to our agreement?" "Nope." She shook her head slowly. But suddenly she had a question she wanted to ask Logan. “What job will I get after I give birth to your baby? I haven't even graduated from high school yet. My mother told me to drop out of school when I was in my last year of high school. My parents don't have the money to pay for my expensive school." Logan thought for a moment. He thought Riley was a smart girl. Too bad, she couldn't finish school. “You can take homeschooling to get a high school diploma. I'll try to get you back to school as soon as possible. Is there anything else you want?” Riley's eyes lit up with happiness. Logan kept his promise to provide the best facilities while she was carrying his baby. This might not be such a bad job to start with. "Oh no, of course not. I've already spent quite a bit of money on your treatment and that very complicated fertilization procedure." Logan's brows bent in displeasure. "So? What will happen then? Are you going to repeat the procedure at the hospital?” "No. Too waste of money and time. I've already bought you an apartment anyway, so I have to make the most of you." Riley's chest rumbled with anger. "Sorry. I don't understand what you mean." The grin on Logan's face alerted her. She was afraid of what Logan would say. “Natural pregnancy. I don't have to waste my money on procedures I don't like. And besides, I can have fun with your body.” Riley's breath hitched. Her whole body trembled with fear at the thought of Logan’s words, which was like a nightmare to her. "So make sure you don't miscarry if you don't want me to f**k you." “I'll let you know if I need anything. By the way, thank you very much for the homeschooling. I really want to finish high school and get a diploma.” “I will let the mother of my child get a good education. My son must be smart like you.” Riley's face reddened. The first time she got a compliment from a guy that she was a smart girl. "Well, thanks. It's good to hear someone compliment me." Ignoring Riley's beaming face at his compliment, Logan put the pen on the table and got up from his seat. "Let me show you your room. Wren just texted me that you should rest more to reduce the risk of miscarriage." "Will all those agreements fail if I miscarry?" The corners of Logan's lips twitched into a smirk.
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