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Emma's POV The next morning, I awoke with a throbbing headache and quickly sat up in bed. I checked my locker for some pain relievers and took them using the water on my bedside table. I looked around the smelly basement that eventually turned into my room and sighed. I waited for the pain to subside a little before glancing at the wall clock. "Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed and quickly got down from the bed. It was 6:35 a.m., meaning I was damn late for morning duties. Hailey and the boys would deal with me today. Tears rolled down my cheeks at the thought of what they might do to me. I ran to my door and pushed it open, coming face-to-face with them. I was so dead! I quickly got down on my knees. "I'm sorry. I overslept and woke up with a throbbing headache. That is why I'm late; please forgive me." I clasped my palms together. They said nothing, and I looked up to meet their gaze. Something was different about the way they looked at me today. Something was weird. I tried to place my fingers on it, but I couldn't get anything. The way they looked at me made me uncomfortable. They didn't have those usual icy and angry looks on their faces, but instead I'm seeing... concern? No, I must be dreaming. Julian walked up to where I knelt, and I closed my eyes, anticipating a punch, kick, or even being tossed around the room, but nothing happened. Instead, he held me and lifted me gently. What exactly was going on? "I'm sorry." I bowed my head. "You don't need to be sorry, darling. We understand. It's our fault you overslept." Philip drawled, and I felt like I was in a dream. Did he just call me darling? Me, Emma Garcia, darling? I secretly pinched myself. Maybe I was dreaming or something, but I felt the pain and saw that this was all real. "We've been really terrible to you lately, and we apologize." Julian said, and my eyes widened. Julian was apologizing to me. This can't be happening. "I don't understand what's going on here." I said, looking at them like I had seen ghosts. This sudden change in attitude surprised me for real. I looked at Alexander, and my knees buckled when he smiled at me, exposing his deep dimple, making him drop-dead gorgeous. He was the most handsome out of the three, the calmest, and the most dangerous, but why was he smiling at me? "Emma, we're sorry. We just realized how much of a monster we've been, treating you like a slave and bullying you. We're truly sorry." Philip apologized and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears. "Don't be quiet, dear. Say something." Julian nudged me. "I… I don't know what to say." I replied honestly. This was still a shock to me. Why the sudden change of character towards me? Were they planning on doing something to me? What is going on? I was literally panicking as I stared at them. "We know you're shocked, Emma. We'll give you time to digest everything, but just know that we apologize for everything we did to you." Philip smiled and patted my head. "Yes, we are. Also, you will no longer be working in the kitchen. The maids can handle that. You need time to rest and focus on your books. Just go to your room, take your bath, wear something nice, and meet us outside, okay?" Julian smiled at me. "Okay?" I answered, unsure of what I just heard. "See you soon." They smiled, waved at me, and walked away. As they walked away, Philip turned and winked at me, showing off his playboy vibes. I entered my room and quickly shut my door as I held my chest tight. My heart was beating so fast that it threatened to fall out of my chest. Why were they suddenly nice to me? What happened to them? They didn't call me a fat pig, pathetic, or rag doll like they used to, but they called me by my name. Different questions rushed through my head as I slid out of my clothes and went to take my bath. I was done in no time and picked out an outfit. Well, I have only a few, so picking them out was effortless. I took my bag, hung it on one shoulder, and left my room. Maybe they asked me to meet them so they would deal with me like they do every morning. When I got outside, I met them waiting for me. Hailey stood beside them with her arms folded and that angry look on her face, but the guys smiled when they saw me. "You look cute this morning," Julian complimented, and I didn't know when I blushed. "Come on in. We've been waiting for you." Alexander said as he took the driver's seat. My eyes widened. "In the car?" I asked. They looked at me and nodded. To say I was shocked was an understatement. Hailey tried to protest, and they shot her a glare—that kind of glare they always sent my way. When we got into the car, Philip and Julian made me sit in between them and held my hands while they discussed with me, asking me different questions. I couldn't believe what was really happening. Did the moon goddess change them so soon? When we got to the school, they helped me out of the car and held my hand as we entered the hallway. The students were shocked, and believe me, I was shocked too. They followed me around and even acted as my bodyguards. Because of them, the students who always derived joy from bullying me stayed away from me because the triplets were the most feared in the school. Who wouldn't be terrified of the Alpha Sons? They were so nice to me that I thought I was dreaming. They even bought lunch for me. This continued for days, and I realized that they really meant what they were doing. They've really changed. I could see jealousy in Hailey's eyes, but the triplets stopped her from being harsh to me. My life took a turn for the better, and I instantly had hope again. Suddenly, I could feel myself being comfortable around them. I was suddenly melting into their charms, and they showered me with love. After school one day, they took me to a restaurant where we ate, chatted, and laughed. I really enjoyed their company. "Emma, there's something we would like to ask you." Julian started. I dropped the fork I was using to eat and focused on them. "What's that?" I asked calmly. "We understand that this is coming too soon, but we'd like you to bear with us. We can't choose anyone else. It's you we want." Philip said. "Me? I don't understand." I replied. "Will you be our date to prom? Alexander asked, and I gasped.
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