Chapter 13

3781 Words

Chapter 13 “Peace is a fragile thing. It is forged on the trust that your enemy will choose respect over pride, selflessness over greed, and mercy over power. It is not won in wars, nor bargained for in treaties, for it can’t be won and it can’t be negotiated, not real peace. Real peace, peace that lasts, comes when parties who do not agree, set aside their disagreements for a greater purpose. It comes at the price of self. That is why true peace will never last on this earth, because we are not beings who find many things worth the price of our self.” ~Skender “Will you not welcome one of the Fae Council into your midst Thead?” Lorelle asked the troll king. Thead’s eyes narrowed on the fae and the stirrings of mistrust rolled in his gut. “Since when has the Fae Council ever shown inte

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