Chapter 9The pleasant walk took about anhour.After our two visitors arrived, both the humming and the flashingcolors calmed down. The cavern’s rock stayed silent and stopped theelastic bending. When I got back to the medical room, the bronzeman’s bed was empty. “He was fine, so I put him in aprivate room. I thought you might like to talk to him,” Dr. Manningsaid. “Yes, I would.” “Before you do, there’s something Ineed to tell you.” I nodded. The doctor crossed his arms. “Hisname is Tarum, at least that’s a rough translation of it. Becausehe appeared to have a minor concussion I did a scan of his brain.What I saw was amazing. I confirmed my suspicions with him when heawoke. When you talk to him, major, he is going to have to speakveryslowly because he will have to slow his brain down.