Going back to the hacienda

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James and Francisco engaged the bush men soldiers the soldiers fled to the jungle. "Retreat further back to the hacienda we are following you behind to make sure that you are save from the bush men foot soldiers" James instructed. The soldiers used the shortest time as possible to move away from the village Steve held the lady on the horseback Dave and one of the soldier held moses on the horse back and dashed the horse dashed it was like a horse race the pilot James and Francisco made sure that no one was following them then they flew past the soldiers to check if there was danger a head James thought that charity has been saved he was very happy there was an eerie of silence as the chopper flew top of the tallest trees in the jungle. "Francisco who taught you how to use the machine g*n I reckoned that you know how to use it perfectly well" James said. Francisco smiled. "You remember early morning training that was a perfect time for me to learn Steve my son is a perfect teacher he is the son if I one day had it could have been the beautiful world" Francisco said. "That is interesting for me to hear you've not told me about your family it seems you have a tragic story to tell" James said. "Yes tragic indeed my family was brought up in the village where it was hard to access the basic necessity all my family members were alcoholic to be escapist from the reality of the world" Francisco said. "My father and mother used to sell traditional brew to make ends meet at a times we used to take alcohol and sleep because there was no food on the table it was really hard life boss" Francisco said. "I later married a beautiful lady from the village but because we managed to get a boy and a girl they grew up in the worst situation I pitied my wife and children she decided to go to search job in the city I allowed her to go, she left with my two children" Francisco said emotionally. James pitied him very much. "What happened did you communicated with her after she left?" James asked. "I didn't have address to locate her but her sister assisted me without her knowledge we went together to meet her in her place of work when we reach there I saw on my eyes the shock of my entire life" Francisco elaborated. "What did you see Francisco?" James asked. "The shock of my entire life my sweet Elizabeth doing p**********n to earn a living a man was done with her coming out of her room" Francisco explained emotionally. "I am very sorry" James said. "If I were you what could you have done?" Francisco asked. "I am an old man I understand the challenges of life I could have understood her without food on the table you will not live survival for the fittest in biology" James said. "Did you insulted her?" James asked. "No I pretended as if nothing happened I asked her about my kids she told me she is with my their grandmother in the village" Francisco elaborated. "I was happy that my children were in good hands but my question was how to earn a living to provide for her o stop the vice" James said. "How about your family i have never seen your wife and children?" Francisco asked. "Even the rich also cry and also have their own problems, I was married at the age of twenty two my wife was twenty we had the best prestigious wedding in town after we lived happily we had four children two boys and two girls they schooled in one of the best schools in the country to the university level" James elaborated. "But I don't see them in your hacienda" Francisco asked. "They are in the city running their own companies over December holiday they are coming to see me I will introduced them to you" James said. "My wife fell in love with a young energetic man in the name of romantic escapades and they went to Kenya, currently they live at the shores of Indian ocean in a town known as Lamu" James said. "I have heard that small town in the island is a tourist destination" Francisco said. "Your wife had a better reason to do what she did by mine she had a lame excuse" James said. "If I were you I will reconciled with your wife though I know she could have remarried" James reiterated Francisco thought hard and nodded the chopper flew at the soldiers on the group raced following the chopper. Francisco was very surprised to hear what James said he don't know how he will start to find his wife and children he turned and saw the pilot flying the chopper they flew past the village where Charity is Charity rushed out of the palace to see the chopper she recognized the chopper but she could not communicate with them. The villagers came out and watch the chopper as it flew past their village as the footsoldiers dashed in the nearby footpath back to the hacienda. "I think we should one day visit this village if the lady we abducted is not charity" James said. "That is a brilliant idea may be Charity is in this village it is not so far for us to reach" James said. Francisco peeped with the binoculars and saw the villagers looking at them she saw the lady who resembles Charity standing outside the biggest house in the village. "I see we can make before the night fall though the rain could disrupt our journey" pilot said. "Yes we are going to make unlike yesterday when we encountered wild animals" James replied. "Yes we still have some hours we are going to make" pilot reiterated Betty and Nelly expected the soldiers to return but there was no sign of them to return, no sound of the chopper they were very sad they were all alone in the hacienda going around the hacienda. "I miss them all if we are going to be invaded who will save the hacienda?" Nelly asked. Nelly asked. "We have the elderly workers they can save us from any threat" Betty said.
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