The elders in the village continued to investigate the intruders that came to investigate their village they tried to figure out where the three men might have come from, David in front of the congregation to address.
The fellow bushmen clapped their hands.
"I don't know how people from one of the hacienda vigors out our village it's getting "unsafe when we saw those men I thought we were going to catch them but it seems they were well trained our soldiers are now injured wat are we going to do?" David said.
"But which of the hacienda were this person coming from? Solo asked.
We have ten haciendas and also several ranches let pray that they are not planning an attack on us" David said.
"We should not think about them attacking us but we should figure out how we should make our village to be safe," Solo said.
"Let's allow the security chief to give us direction," David said.
John stood and the Bushmen clapped all the Bushmen are in traditional skin cloth with different types of beads.
"This is an opportunity to take care of our community from invaders I have tried to figure out those people but I don't know where they were from but my suggestion is that we need to send the spies to all the haciendas starting with that hacienda we recently invaded and brought twenty heads of cattle," John said.
I think that is the best idea David said.
"Who are we going to send to investigate the haciendas," Solo asked.
"We have to select the young men who can run faster in the woods to go and investigate the haciendas" Daniel said.
"What is the purpose of the investigation?" John asked.
"To know where the three men are coming from which hacienda then do retaliatory attack for them not to plan the attack on us" David responded.
Dave Jack and Steve were done training the workers James was very impressed on how the training were conducted.
"Bravo!" James shouted
"Bravo boss!" They snouted back.
"I have seen that I have the soldiers whom I can depend upon" James said happily.
"Thanks you sir the hacienda is going to be save very soon" Steve said.
"What can we do again to reinforce the security of the hacienda" James asked.
"I suggest that we erect the CCTV cameras all round the hacienda and also construct several watch tower" Steve said.
"That is wonderful I already have the CCTV cameras all round but it is not active" James said.
"The CCTV cameras are the smallest you don't see if you don't closely see" James said.
"Who is an expert when it comes to the CCTV cameras" James asked.
"I can activate if its not functional we can call the technicians to come and restore" Steve said.
"Follow me I show you where the CCTV cameras are" James said.
They hurried and went to the administration block James led them to the room written security room.
"You mean you have a security room?" Jack asked.
"I bought the hacienda recently I am still learning how to run the hacienda that is why I need you to support me to introduce many things" James said.
"Here is the computer controlling all the CCTV around" James said.
Steve switched on the computer and checked on the CCTV cameras he refreshed.
"Switch on the power for the CCTV cameras" Steve said.
James switched on and the computer loaded all the CCTV cameras and all the sections in the hacienda and the ranch was visible they were able to see the charity Betty and Nelly examining the cattle in the ranch.
"Boss we are all done we are going to beat the bush men" Steve said happily.
"We have flying cameras you can fly them using the computer a d zoom the hacienda and the ranch" James said.
"Where is the flying cameras?" Dave asked.
"Here are they" James said.
He removed the flying cameras and fixed the two of them and placed them outside Steve flew the cameras high up and zoomed the hacienda.
"Look we can see all the side of the hacienda all the workers are visitors even Francisco is standing Manning the workers cultivating the crops in the farm" Steve said.
"Also the CCTV cameras are going placed strategically we should only have people to monitor the security status of the hacienda and the ranch" Jack responded.
What we need to do is to install the app in our phone for all of us to be monitoring the security status of the hacienda and the ranch" Steve said.
"What are you waiting for let's do that already we need to protect our hacienda as soon as possible" James instructed.
"Steve downloaded the app and install to all the phones James was very happy to have the app to enable him to monitor the security status of the hacienda and the ranch despite that even when he is not around.
The training continued everyday all the workers did were able to use the guns Steve and his colleagues were impressed on how the workers learned first they were in the final week on Friday morning the boss came to join them to shoot.
"Steve please assist me to perfect my shooting skill" James said.
"Bose move closer hold your g*n towards the target and shoot" Steve instructed.
James did as instructed and he hit on the target.
Francisco stood and cheered.
"Bravo!" Boss you are a great shooter" Francisco said.
"You are my age mate come and shoot I want to see if you've known how to shoot" James said.
Francisco rushed and held his g*n and shoot easily to the target and hit the target without missing.
"You mean you are already a Sharp shooter?" James asked.
"Yes Steve is a wonderful sharp shooter i learned from him" Francisco said.
The age mate were happy to have known how to shoot.
"Boss's I think its time we distribute guns to the workers all of them already know how t use guns" Steve said.
"I think that will be appropriate but how are we going to distribute the guns and the workers are gone to their work station?" James asked.
"Yesterday we distributed the radio call we will inform them to pick in their work station" Steve said.
"Then use my van to distribute the guns in the hacienda and the ranch" James said.
"Okay sir right away" Jack said.
They picker the van went to the armory and loaded the guns as James went to his office he connected the CCTV camera to his computer and he was able to see what was happening in the hacienda and the ranch the three veterinarian helping the cows on labour.
"I like this ladies they are the perfect veterinarians this time I am happy to get the right personnel to work for me" James said to himself.
"This girl Charity I have special feeling for her but she is so young she is the age of my daughter, this girl where are you from" James said to himself.
He zoomed his picture and observed her closely.
"She is even beautiful when she is on his hat and especially when she is on his horseback" James said to himself.
Jack Dave and Steve were done loading the guns to the track.
James removed the radio call to communicate with the worker the radio call was connected to the loudspeaker when it is communicated all the employees could hear the message.
"All the employees in the hacienda and the ranch come and pick your guns at your respective work station" James said
"My van is on the way bringing the guns' James said.
The van distributed the guns the workers were very happy they felt secured.