Betty and Nelly losing hope of seeing charity again

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Dave Steve Jack and James with the workers waiting for any information from James, James alighted from the horse and went into his office sadly the workers knew that it was not well they moved closer to Dave Steve and Jack to see if they will get any information. Jack avoided them and took the two horses to the stable. "What happened does it means that charity is no more?" One of the workers asked. Dave and Steve looked one another running short of words to say. "Please answer my question" Winnie insisted. "Relax we didn't get see her anywhere we don't know what has happened to him" Dave said. "We still have hope of seeing her but its just a matter of time" Jack interjected. The workers looked one another Nelly and Charity came to where Jack and Dave was with high expectations of hearing positive results about Charity, Winnie left to her house. "Can you tell us what transpired in the search" Nelly asked emotionally. "We didn't get amble time to search for her the wild animals disrupted the search" Steve said. "How and yet you had resources to outwit the wild animals?" Betty asked. "We could have not outwit very dangerous wild animals like a leopard and a lion they are very dangerous the lion chased us that is why we had to rush to the hacienda with high speed" Steve said. "Next time we are going to be well armed and also we should have many people to go to the search party" Dave said. "Since she lost in the forest I am afraid she might have been eaten by the wild animals" Betty said. They all looked at one another in shock other workers realized that all is not well. James walked out of his office hurriedly the workers were very surprised to see how the boss were be behaving he walked hurriedly towards the workers the workers paved way he walked towards Betty and Nelly. "Charity is lost you are my only hope in this hacienda I hope you learned something from her?" James asked. "Yes boss we learned a lot we are going to use the skill to take care of the cattle" Nelly responded James looked at Steve Dave and Jack. "We have to plan a mega search party for us to find Charity we hope she is still alive" James said. "That is true boss we need to organize a very well planned search party if we don't don't find her we just assume that she is long dead" Steve said. It was getting dark Nelly and Betty went to the stable to they jumped unto the horseback and rushed to their hostels James Dave Steve and Jack were left together. "Please follow me to my office" James said James led them to the office they sat to hear what the boss was to say. "Who has been in the army?" James asked. "Its me I was a commando in a special force" Steve said. "How are we going to search for charity do you have any idea?" James asked. "I have an idea but we have to start in the morning for us to get time to search for her then in the evening the search party will erect a tent wherever the sun set we need portable light tent that will help us fro the harsh weather conditions" Steve said. "How about if we hire the commandos to search for Charity?" James asked. "That is a good idea but where are we going to hire from the city is far from here we better select young men and we all go to save charity in time we don't have to waste Charity need you and me" Steve said. "It is going to be the most difficult mission since the jungle has no mobile network" Steve reiterated. "When are we going to go for a search mission?" James asked how about on "Wednesday tomorrow we need to get prepared well to get all the necessity for the search like food cloths and tent" Steve advised. It was early morning David Fred and John went to see Charity she had already seated rose busy preparing breakfast for her the elders knocked the door. "Come on in" Charity said. The elders went in Charity moved the chairs for them to sit they sat looking each other. "Today we would like maize to take you around the village for you to familiarize yourself with the village very soon you are going to be given an opportunity to walk around alone without being guided" David said. That is true in our tradition the princess must go around the village to familiarize themselves with the the village for the princess to know which part of the village is pleased with" Fred reiterated. The ladies in waiting came in to take the princess around the village rose dressed charity with a beautiful dresses and also rose placed the princess crown on her head "Are you sure of what you are doing" Charity asked. "Yes it's a tradition to do for you what they are doing they have have several traditional events that you need to be conversant" Rose whispered. The ladies in waiting came and held a beautiful dresses touching on the ground up not to be dirty. Some ladies in waiting led the way followed by Charity in the middle and they started going round the village children started chanting Princess Charity and the ladies in waiting moved slowly by slowly around the village to greet the villagers The warriors moved around the village with guns to protect the princess Charity was very surprised how the bush men treated her as the goddess. Nelly sat in her house thinking about charity she shed tears uncontrollably it was charity who made her get the job in James hacienda there was a knock at the door. "Come on in the door is open" Nelly said. Betty entered into the house. "Welcome feel at home but I am sorry I have been overwhelmed by the disappearance of Charity" Nelly said. "What an I going to tell her patents about her disappearance?" Nelly asked. "Don't worry it will be well we are going to find him very soon" Betty said. "I wish the jungle was not dangerous we could have risk to go together for search" Nelly said. "I know that they are planning for the second search I promise I will join them" Nelly assured. "Me too we must must go to the jungle no matter what we are going to find Charity" Betty said.
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