Only the second time

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“Good morning, my name is Tessa Gram; I am here for the executive writer job interview,” Tessa says in a friendly voice to the front desk attendant “Yes, of course, Mrs. Gram..” the attendant says when Tessa cuts her off “Oh, it's Miss Not Mrs,” Tessa says “Oh, okay, Miss Gram,” the attendant says. “You may have a seat in our waiting area while I call the interviewer,” she concludes “Thank you so much,” Tessa says Tessa walks over to a fluffy grey chair in the magazine company waiting room and sits. Her nerves are sky-high as she waits. Tessa’s pov God, I am so nervous and excited at the same time. I have always wanted to work under Maximilian Turner. He is the person to work for if you want a writing career. I hope he likes my portfolio. I've worked on it for months and could use a new job. Of course, this job would require me to move, but that's okay because it will be worth it if it brings better opportunities. I can't wait to meet Mr. Turner. A woman's voice saying her name pulls Tessa from her thoughts. “Miss Tessa Gram?” the woman says “That's me,” Tessa says as she stands up, collecting herself. “Right this way, Miss Gram,” the woman says as she turns on her heel and leads Tessa to a conference room. “Please have a seat,” the interviewer says. “Can I get you a glass of water?” she asks “No, thank you. I'm okay for now,” Tessa responds The interviewer sits down directly across from Tessa. “‘My name is Sara Maxwell. I am in charge of placing applicants in the correct position, in my opinion.” Sara says. Sara stares at Tessa momentarily and then asks her a question. “Miss Gram, I see on your application that you have applied to be an executive writer here at Turner Industry. Is that correct?” Sara asks “Yes, Mrs. Maxwell. I have been a writer since I graduated from college. It has been my dream to work within the Turner Industry. I have brought some examples of work created for my past employment companies,” Tessa says as she pulls some papers from her folder. “This is a project made to showcase the magnetic field in our solar system; I know this is nothing like the work that Turner Industries constructs, but I have more projects. This one here was a bid for the rarest necklace in the world. It is named “A Heritage in Bloom.” It was crafted by a Chinese master craftsman named Wallace Chan. Mr. Chan hand-picked me to write about the necklace.” Tessa says as a knock on the door cuts her off. “Sara, I asked you to find me a new secretary today. It's almost lunch, and still no secretary,” a familiar male voice says as he looks up from his phone “Mr Turner, I-I am actually in the only interview we received for that position,” Tessa’s pov You've got to be kidding me. I thought that the Turner family gave Turner Industries to their eldest son. This man is Luke Turner, not Maximilian Turner. f**k me! Also, Did she say I was a secretary interview? Why do the worst possible things happen to me? I can't believe the Luke Turner I went to school with is the billionaire Luke Turner. I hope that he won't recognize me. “This is my new secretary?” Luke says, looking at Tessa deeply “Yes, sir, she is a perfect fit for the job,” Sara blurts out “Wait I-” Tessa tries to speak but is cut off by Sara “This is Miss-” Tessa cuts Sara off “Miller! My name is Miss Tessa Miller,” Tessa yells out and stands up, sticking her hand out to Luke “It is so nice to meet you, Mr. Turner; it is truly an honor,” Tessa says while shaking Luke's hand “Miss Miller… you look oddly familiar. Do you know you from somewhere?” Luke asks “No sir, I am afraid not; I'm not from here.” Tessa states “Hmm, okay, well Sara, get her acquainted with my rules and regulations as a secretary and then bring her to my office; thank you,” Luke says, looking back down at his phone Luke leaves the room, and Sara looks at Tessa intensely “Miller? Your last name is Gram. Why the f**k would you tell him it was Miller?” Sara asks “Listen, this is all a big misunderstanding. I thought I was working under Maximilian Turner, not f*****g Luke Turner. I went to college with Luke. I can not under any circumstances work for Luke, especially not as his secretary!” Tessa says in response to Sara “it's too late. It would be best if you listened to me clearly; Mr Turner is particular. You must always have a straight back. You must wear a women's suit top and a dress skirt above your knees daily. It would be best if you lived with Mr. Turner in his mansion. You will cook his breakfast, grab him lunch daily, and cook his dinner every night. You will tend to his laundry and every need as he asks. Do I make myself clear?” Sara says sternly “Sara, I can't do this. I'm a writer, not a f*****g slut secretary!” Tessa yells “You will do this!” Sara says as she walks around the table. She grabs Tessa by the arm, drags her down the hall, and pushes her into Luke's office. “Luke! I mean Mr. Turner! You requested me?” Tessa says, looking at the floor Luke stands up from his desk and walks over to Tessa, standing right in front of her. “Take two steps back,” Luke says Tessa looks up at him, confused, but she listens and takes two steps back, causing her to step just outside his office. Luke grabs Tessa's hand and makes it into a fist, pushing it up to the door. “Knock twice,” Luke commands Tessa knocks twice on the door, never looking away from Luke “Now, ask if you can come in,” Luke says “May I come in, Mr. Turner?” Tessa says “You may,” Luke says; he then steps back and walks back to his desk and has a seat “Shut the door behind you, Miss Miller,” Luke says “Yes sir,” Tessa says and turns to close the door “Come sit,” Luke says, pointing to the spot on his desk right next to him “Mr Turner, I don't think it is appropriate for me to sit there,” Tessa says Luke stands up and walks over to Tessa, wrapping his arm around her waist and picking her up. Tessa's legs automatically wrap around his hips, causing her skirt to rise, exposing her panties. Luke lays Tessa down on his desk, pushing his c**k against her p***y hard until his mouth reaches her ear “I thought Sara told you to do everything I ask of you, Miss Miller,” Luke whispers in Tessa's ear “She-she did…but I don't like being told what to do,” Tessa says breathly “Hmm, I guess we will have to fix that then,” Luke says as he leans up to look at how Tessa is lying on the desk. Then suddenly, there's a knock at the door.

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