2287 Words

Mr. Mayes, the manager looks twice older than his age of forty-five. Around three hundred pounds of six-footer bald head and a goatee man. I’ve never seen him smile. All he does every day is to bark at everyone. I wonder what he’s carrying on his shoulder that he forgets to even realize how beautiful life is. Speaking of beautiful, regardless of what happened days ago, I learn how to appreciate the beauty of life—that life is not perfect, life doesn’t always go like how we want it to be—it’s like a road, it has many bends, ups and downs. And that’s its beauty. Pyke stops bugging me. I miss him though, but what we did that night won’t happen again. And what he did to me was cruel, and I don’t think if we can even be friends. Kyland and Bianca give me space, and that’s what I want at this

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