Chapter 5

1065 Words
Chapter 5 Bella's POV "Derek," I called out to him, my voice soft and pleading, but it seemed to have no effect. The anger and rage within him showed no signs of subsiding. I knew I had to find a way to calm him down, even if just for a few hours, so that my son could escape the city and be safe from him. Before I could call out to him again, he abruptly grabbed me by the neck, lifting me off the ground. My feet dangled inches above the floor, and fear coursed through my veins. "You're starting to test my patience," he growled at me. I struggled to free myself, desperate for a breath of air, but I was no match for his strength. Eventually, he released his grip, and I gasped for air, trying to regain my composure. "You wouldn't want me to kill everyone in this city, would you?" he threatened, a menacing glint in his eyes. Deep down, I knew Derek was capable of such brutality, showing no mercy to those he despised. I had witnessed his hatred for humans firsthand and had seen him mercilessly take their lives. Despite that, I had chosen to deceive him, to lie without fear of losing my own life when he eventually discovered the truth. It was my love for him that gave me the courage to continue down this treacherous path. "Derek," I called out to him once more, my voice barely audible. He looked at me with a mix of anger and disgust. I desperately tried to search his eyes for any trace of the love he once had for me, but it was nowhere to be found. It dawned on me that he would never love me, that as a mere human, I was no exception to his contempt and loathing. "Don't utter my name with your filthy mouth. It's Alpha Derek to you," he spat, his words laced with venom. "Alpha Derek," I whispered softly, mustering all the courage I had left. "I am prepared to face whatever punishment you wish to bestow upon me. I will be your human slave, enduring any torment or ridicule you see fit. I beg of you, on one condition—release my son." I attempted to strike a deal with him, hoping that he would consider it, and that my son's safety would no longer be threatened. A malicious smile curled on his lips, and for a brief moment, I felt a glimmer of satisfaction, thinking he had agreed to my offer. "I will torture, ridicule, and break you every single day. And my first step in doing so will be by killing your favorite person—your son," he taunted, a wicked grin spreading across his face. I should have known he would never agree to my plea. I always seemed to forget just how truly evil he could be. He knew the depth of my love for my son, and he would never let him go until he had taken his life. I could only hope that my son was no longer in the city, that he had found a way to escape. "You are despicable," I uttered with a mix of annoyance and frustration. "Coming from you, that's a compliment," he retorted, his smile widening. "Enough of this. Come with me." He tightly gripped my hands, refusing to let go. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I knew it couldn't be anywhere good. "Let go of me, Derek!" I yelled, my voice laced with pain, but he paid no heed. As he dragged me along, I couldn't help but fear for what awaited me. I knew deep down that wherever he was leading me, it would only bring further suffering and despair. *** We arrived at the destination, and to my surprise, it turned out to be my own house. Confusion washed over me as I wondered why he had brought me here. What possible reason could he have? My mind raced, struggling to find a clear answer amidst the chaos of the situation. "Why are we here?" I managed to utter, standing together with him at the entrance of my house. "You must think I'm really stupid. I know your son is here, and there's no other place he could be," he angrily retorted. Before I could respond, he forcefully broke down the door, causing a commotion that caught the attention of my neighbors. He forcefully dragged me inside, his anger fueling his actions. "Derek, what are you doing!" I screamed as he started wreaking havoc in my house, desperately searching for my son. He left destruction in his wake, his frustration intensifying as he failed to catch even a glimpse of my child. The murmurs of concern from the neighbors grew louder, and I knew it wouldn't be long before someone called the police, causing Derek to expose his true nature to them. "Where the f**k is that goddamn child!" he growled. Before I could utter a word, he paused momentarily, his gaze fixed on me. "Where is he?" he asked, seething with rage. His eyes took on a reddish hue, and I could sense his impending transformation into a wolf. Fear gripped me, not only for myself but also for the safety of my neighbors, knowing he would show no mercy to anyone. His menacing growl reverberated through the room, its intensity building with each passing moment. I had no idea what course of action to take, but I knew I couldn't let this situation escalate any further. "I will take you to my son!" I yelled, desperately hoping that offering a solution would quell his anger. Miraculously, it seemed to work, as his rage began to subside. I stepped out of the house, with Derek following closely behind. I had no clear destination in mind, but my sole objective was to get him away from here as quickly as possible. However, within minutes of leaving, Derek's impatience started to resurface. "Don't you dare try to fool me again!" he growled, his tone laced with aggression. I chose to remain silent, understanding that any response might only provoke him further. But my silence did not go unnoticed. Enraged, he tightly gripped my hand, causing me to wince in pain. "Let my mom go!" a young voice suddenly pierced through the chaos.
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