Chapter 7

1037 Words
- Derek's POV Bella's words crashed into me like a tidal wave, claiming that the baby belonged to me. Confusion consumed me as I struggled to comprehend what she meant by calling him my son. I looked into his eyes and all I saw was fear, as if he saw me as the monster that I am. Reluctantly, I retracted my claws and turned to face Bella. "Don't lie to me. This child isn't mine, and I know you'd say anything and do anything to protect your child," I responded with a mix of anger and confusion. "Derek," she called out to me, her voice filled with exhaustion and fear, trembling as she spoke. "I promise you, I'm not lying when I say that this child is yours." Her words sounded convincing, but I couldn't trust them. What kind of father would I be if I couldn't even recognize my own son? I closely examined the child before me, desperately searching for any resemblance to myself, but I couldn't find any. He looked more like his mother. Everything felt so confusing. I shifted back to my human form, and just as I was about to release the baby, Bella managed to catch him, preventing him from falling to the ground. "You're safe now. Mom is here, and I'll never let anything harm you," she whispered, holding him tightly, her grip unwilling to let go. A part of me couldn't believe her words, but another part of me desperately wanted them to be true. If this child truly belonged to me, accepting him would mean crossing a forbidden line between werewolves and humans. As an Alpha, a powerful one at that, getting involved with a human was unthinkable. "Tell me the truth now. Did you claim he's my son just so I would let him go?" I asked, seeking confirmation. Part of me dreaded her answer being yes, as it would shatter me, but another part wanted her to answer positively. She gazed at me, tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks, her eyes bloodshot and closed in a mix of sadness and despair. Her difficulty in speaking only fueled my anger, confirming my suspicion that she had indeed tried to deceive me. If she attempted to fool me, I would make her pay, along with her baby. "Your silence and confusion only prove to me that you attempted to deceive me once again," I growled with anger. But before I could utter another word, she broke her silence. "How could you not recognize your own son, our son?" she said, her tone filled with tears and disappointment, sending shivers down my spine. "I told you I was pregnant, but all you could say was that you wouldn't have a baby with a mere human like myself," she continued, her voice filled with sadness. This couldn't be possible. I knew for a fact that she was lying. Emily, my previous mate, would never lie to me about a pregnancy. "You're lying to me. I can't trust a word that comes from you," I spat out with anger. "If you don't trust my words, then trust the love I have for you. I loved you and will continue to love you," she desperately pleaded, trying to assure me. But I wasn't ready to believe her lies. "Shut up! Never tell me you love me. You're a cheat and a deceiver, and I'll never trust a word that comes from you," I responded with escalating anger, causing her to become even more scared than she already was. "I would never lie about this," she insisted, attempting to convince me. "Emily would never lie to me. She told me that you got rid of the child to start a new life after breaking me," I spat out with disgust, believing that Bella could stand there and lie without feeling any remorse. She was worse than I could ever be. "Emily! You believe her over me? She's been jealous of me since the moment I came into your life and was announced as your mate. She'll do anything, say anything, just so you would hate me even more," Bella pleaded, desperation lacing her voice. "Don't you dare speak ill of her. If it weren't for Emily, I would have never known what a cunning and disgusting person you truly are," I retorted with rage, feeling a surge of anger and betrayal. The hurt in Bella's eyes didn't change anything. I knew, without a doubt, that she was lying, and I was determined to expose her and bring this charade to an end. "Mom, is Uncle Sam really gone?" her child spoke softly, tears streaming down his face. Bella couldn't find the words to respond. "I'm so sorry, my baby," she finally broke the silence, her voice choked with emotion. "You should have never witnessed something like this," she whispered, embracing him tightly, seeking solace in the safety of their bond. I hadn't intended for the child to see me in this state. I never revealed my true nature to children, for I didn't want them to experience the same trauma I had endured. The first time a child had witnessed me brutally kill a human, I had to end their life to spare them from a lifelong trauma. And that's why I believed I had to do the same with this child. "Nothing you say will ever stop me from killing this child," I announced coldly, causing fear to flicker in Bella's eyes. "This child can never be mine. Though I may feel a connection, I feel nothing for him. To spare him from a lifetime of pain, I need to end this." I closed the distance between us, and Bella instinctively took a step backward, her fear palpable. The intensity of my emotions drove me to the brink, pushing me towards ending their lives and putting an end to this torment. But just as I approached, ready to inflict harm, Bella's piercing scream shattered the air. "Derek!" she cried out desperately, hastily lifting the cloth covering her baby's body. My eyes fixated on the mark that was revealed, and a surge of terror coursed through my veins, freezing me in my tracks.
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