Chapter 6

1005 Words
Bella's POV My eyes widened in sheer terror as I caught sight of Liam, my child. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be long gone. Panic gripped me tightly, for I knew Derek would show no mercy. The sinister smile etched across Derek's face confirmed my worst fears—he intended to harm my son. "Liam, get out of here and run!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. Derek's eyes widened as he stared at me. It seemed as though my words had struck a chord within him, triggering a momentary retreat. Seizing the opportunity, I rushed towards my son. "Mom, why is he hurting you?" Liam cried out, his voice laced with confusion and fear. "You weren't supposed to be here. I told you never to come back," I trembled, my fear palpable. "We have to escape." I cradled him in my arms, desperate to flee. However, before I could make my escape, my manager, Sam, intercepted our path. "I tried my best to keep him away, but he insisted on seeing you," he stammered, attempting to justify himself. "I trusted you. I explicitly asked you to keep him away from this city, no matter what. Now, you've put my son in danger," I spat out, anger tinged with disappointment. "What danger? I asked you for a valid explanation, but you couldn't provide one. What's going on? Tell me," Sam inquired, his curiosity piqued. "I can't explain now. We have to leave immediately," I replied, still trembling with fear. "What's happening, Jane? You need to confide in me," he pressed once again. "I'll tell you everything you need to know, but right now, we must get out of here," I urged, glancing back to see if Derek was closing in on us. "Who is trying to harm you? If it's that serious, I can call the police," he suggested, concern etched on his face. "What the hell! Get out of my sight!" I yelled, frustration and fear intermingling. But before I could make my move, it was too late. Derek stood before us, an evil grin stretching across his face. Clutching my son even tighter, I vowed not to let anything happen to him. "Who's that?" Sam asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. Derek approached, stepping closer, his features becoming more discernible. "Isn't that the strange guy who came to the café claiming to be your husband?" Sam questioned, seeking confirmation. I remained silent, my sole focus on finding a way to protect my son and escape. "Could he be some kind of deranged stalker?" Sam continued to speculate. "You need to leave, Sam. I won't let you be involved in my mess," I implored, my voice quivering. "Don't be scared, Jane. I'll protect you," he assured, earning a mocking laughter from Derek. "What's so funny?" Sam retorted, his anger flaring. This wasn't good; Sam had no inkling of the dangerous game he was stepping into. "Listen to me, Sam, and get the hell out of here!" I shouted, but he refused to heed my words. "Oh, now I understand. This must be the human you married and had a child with," Derek sneered, a volatile mix of anger and amusement dancing in his eyes. "Derek, please leave him out of this," I pleaded, hoping to evoke some semblance of mercy. Jealousy and rage pulsed through his veins as my words reached him. "You shouldn't tell me what to do," he spat out, his voice seething with fury. Fear gripped Sam, his hand instinctively reaching for his phone. "This is stupid. I'm calling the police," he declared, his fingers trembling as he pulled out his phone. Panic consumed me, and I scrambled to intervene. "Don't call anyone!" I shouted, desperate to halt his actions. "Jane, he's clearly dangerous and a threat to you. I need to call the police," Sam insisted, his voice laden with concern. Frustration tinged my words as I implored him, "Sam, you have to listen to me and get out of here." Derek's face twisted into a sinister smile. "It doesn't matter if he leaves. I still plan on killing him," he declared, his words chilling me to the core. The weight of guilt pressed upon me, knowing that Sam's life was now at risk because of my connection to Derek. "You've completely misunderstood, Derek. Sam is just my manager, nothing more. He's not my husband, nor is he the father of my child," I stammered, my voice trembling, hoping to dissuade him from causing harm to Sam. "You don't need to explain anything to this lunatic," Sam interjected bravely. "I will protect you and Liam, no matter what," he asserted, earning a chuckle from Derek, which sent shivers down my spine. "Sam, run!" I shouted, but before Sam could react, Derek's true nature was revealed. His claws extended and his fangs protruded, a horrifying sight that froze Sam in fear. Backing away slowly, he muttered, "What the f**k!" as terror gripped him. Instinctively, I shielded Liam's face, shielding him from the gruesome scene unfolding before us. "Derek, please don't!" I pleaded desperately. In a swift motion, Derek attacked, slashing Sam's neck with his deadly claws. Blood oozed from the wound as Sam staggered, then fell to the ground. Sam locked eyes with me, his final words a chilling warning to run, before his lifeless body crumpled to the floor. Sam's life had been extinguished by Derek's monstrous actions, and my heart shattered with the realization that my child would likely be his next target. But before I could flee, Derek snatched my child from my trembling arms. "You gave me a little trouble, little one," he sneered, holding Liam tightly. My baby wailed, terror etched on his innocent face at the sight of Derek's true nature. "Derek, please don't do this. Don't harm him," I pleaded, desperation lacing my voice, but he remained resolute, deaf to my pleas. "Now you die," he hissed, sending a wave of terror crashing over me. "Derek, he's your son!"
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