Chapter 9

1913 Words
Bella's POV Emily! Did he just say Emily? I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and pain. Out of all the people in this world, he chose Emily, my enemy—the one who swore she would end my life and take everything away from me. "That's a good choice," I managed to say, attempting to hide the pain in my voice. "You both will make a good couple," I added, giving him a slight smile. "She isn't my fated mate, but she will make me even stronger and more powerful," he said, fueled by his ego. "I wish you a happy married life," I said, forcing a smile. "I will leave now and promise never to show my face in front of you ever again," I continued, biting my lip to prevent myself from crying. "Do whatever it takes not to show your face in front of me if you want to leave," he replied, turning his back to me. "Bye, Isabella," were his last words before he walked away. I broke down in tears immediately, unable to bear the sight of him leaving. "Mom, why are you crying? The bad man is gone already," Liam, my son, said as he used his tiny hands to wipe away my tears. My beautiful son would have to grow up without a father figure, as his father didn't want anything to do with him. The thought made me cry even harder. "I will be your mother and father. You are all I have left in this world," I assured him, hugging him tightly. "I will grow up very fast so I can protect you from that bad man," he said in his innocent tone, prompting me to hold him even tighter. "Let's leave here now," I said, breaking the hug. As we walked back to our apartment, I noticed police officers questioning our neighbors. Fear gripped me as my heart sank. What do I say? How do I act? How do I get out of this mess? My mind was clouded by these thoughts. "There she is, officer. She is the one you are looking for," a woman spoke out as soon as she saw me. Her apartment was opposite mine, so it was understandable that she had heard all the commotion that had happened earlier. The police officer walked towards me and Liam, giving us concerned glances. I remained silent when he asked, "What happened, and who did this to you?" "You don't have to be scared about anything. We are here to protect you," he added, trying to make me feel comfortable enough to open up. "It's nothing, officer. I just fell down," I replied with an awkward smile. "I don't think so," he said, shifting my hair to get a closer look at the fingerprints on my neck. "Someone tried to strangle you. It's clear," he said, speaking out loud. I quickly removed his hands from my neck. "It's nothing, officer," I insisted, attempting to cover the bruises on my neck with my hair. "Your neighbors claimed to have heard loud noises coming from your apartment," he continued, raising an eyebrow. "They must have been mistaken. Everything is fine," I replied, giving him a weak smile. "She is lying to you, officer. I saw a man, and though I can't really describe how he looked, I knew he was very dangerous and did that to her, wrecking her house," the nosy neighbor interjected, glaring at me in disappointment. Annoyance flooded over me as I couldn't help but feel irritated by her meddling. After all, it was my own problem, and it didn't concern her in the slightest. "You are mistaken. No one came here I replied firmly, my annoyance seeping into my voice. "For goodness sake, Jane, what is your f*****g problem? Why are you trying to cover up the deeds of that man? Aren't you ashamed?" the woman lashed out at me, her words cutting deep. "I think you should mind your f*****g business. And if you must, channel this energy towards your husband, who constantly cheats on you, instead of lecturing me," I retorted, my frustration reaching its peak. The woman's eyes widened in shock at my outburst. I knew I shouldn't have gone off on her that way, but I felt the need to protect Derek, despite everything. "We would love to see your apartment," the police officer intervened, sensing the escalating tension. It would be futile to try and hide anything, as soon as he saw the state of my apartment, he would undoubtedly discover that I had been abused and that my neighbor's claims were only the truth. "You don't need to do that, and I didn't call you here," I said, hoping to chase him away. "We have already received a complaint, and considering the state you're in, I definitely need to check your apartment," he stated firmly. "Fine then, follow me," I conceded, a wave of weariness washing over me. I held Liam's hand tightly, and the police officer followed closely behind. When we entered my apartment, Liam gasped at the sight before us. I hadn't realized just how extensively Derek had destroyed everything. "We will be shutting your apartment down. This looks like a crime scene," the officer announced, stating the obvious. Arguing with him would be pointless since he was right; this was indeed a crime scene that ended in the loss of a dear friend. "You both can't stay here anymore. It wouldn't be safe for you and your baby," the police officer expressed his concern. "You don't have to be scared or worried about what that person will do to you and your baby. You are in safe hands," he assured me, offering a reassuring smile. But all I could think about was Derek. Would he really marry Emily, or did he only say that to spite me? I didn't believe so. Derek wasn't the kind of person to act in such a manner. If he said he was going to marry Emily, he meant every single word of it. "Madam, Madam! Are you listening?" the police officer called out, pulling me back to reality. "I'm so sorry for zoning out," I apologized, my mind consumed by the turmoil of emotions. "You are coming with us to the station," he announced. "Why? I didn't do anything wrong," I said, confusion evident in my voice. "We need your statement, and this is the only way we can get a lead in capturing the person who did this to you," he explained. If only he knew the monster he was talking about. If only he knew how dangerous and evil Derek was. "You don't have to worry. This won't happen again," I said, my voice filled with determination. "He made my mom cry!" Liam suddenly blurted out. "He is a bad person, he hates my mother and me!" Liam cried out, his innocent words shattering the room. Now there was no way to avoid going to the police station with Liam's revelation. "Hey, little one, can you tell me how he looks?" the police officer crouched down to Liam's level, attempting to engage him in conversation. "Leave my son out of this!" I yelled defensively, instinctively protecting Liam. "You have no other choice than to follow me, or I will take this as you trying to defend a criminal, and you will be arrested," he threatened Reluctantly, I realised I had no other option but to comply. I couldn't risk Liam or myself getting into any further trouble. With a heavy sigh, I nodded, signaling my agreement to go with the police officer. He led us to his car, and we made our way to the police station to provide our statements. The entire journey was filled with a mix of anxiety, fear, and a lingering sense of betrayal. Upon arriving at the station, the police officer escorted us inside. Liam's innocent eyes wandered around, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. "This is a police station, Liam," I explained softly, trying to ease his confusion. "It's a place where people go to report bad things that have happened to them." Liam's face scrunched up in concentration as he processed my words. His determination resurfaced as he declared, "That means I will complain a lot about that bad person!" I managed a weak smile, grateful for his resilience even amidst the chaos of our lives. The police officer approached us, signaling for me to accompany him. "Come this way," he said, guiding me into a room where we could sit down and talk. It was a small, plain room with a table and a couple of chairs. I took a seat, feeling the weight of the situation pressing upon me. The officer sat across from me, his expression a mix of empathy and frustration. "I understand that this is a difficult situation for you, Bella. But we're here to help, and we need your cooperation to catch the person who harmed you." His words resonated with me, but I still couldn't bring myself to fully trust the police. My experiences with Derek had eroded my faith in authority figures, leaving me guarded and wary. "I don't know what to say," I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "We are really trying to help you out here, Bella. We want to bring justice to whoever did this to you," the officer assured me, leaning forward with earnestness in his eyes. A mix of emotions surged within me. I wanted justice, I wanted to ensure that Derek would pay for his actions, but I also feared the consequences that would follow. The more I cooperated, the more exposed Liam and I would become. "Why are you trying to protect this man? He is clearly a madman and a danger to all," the officer said, his frustration seeping into his words. His accusation stung, and for a moment, I felt a surge of anger. How could he understand the complexities of my situation? How could he comprehend the twisted love and attachment that still lingered within me? But deep down, I knew he was right. Derek was dangerous, and his actions had left a trail of pain and destruction. I needed to find the strength within myself to break free from his grip. "It is nothing serious, Officer," I replied, forcing a smile onto my face. It was a feeble attempt to downplay the severity of the situation. "You really are getting on my nerves," he said, annoyance dripping from his voice. "Little one, do you know how he looks like?" he asked Liam. "Yes, I do. He is a monster," Liam replied. "Can you describe how he looked?" he pressed further. "Don't get my son involved," I said, my annoyance evident. "Come in now," he called out to someone, and a man entered the room, holding a book and pencil in his hands. "Go play with him, little one," he told Liam, and Liam obediently followed his instructions. "What are you trying to do?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. "We are going to get a picture of the man," he answered. "No, you can't do that!" I yelled, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "Listen to me, I am only doing my job," he pleaded, but frustration overwhelmed me. What would happen when Liam described Derek's true nature? "Bella!" a voice said from behind, and I turned, my eyes widening in surprise.
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