Too Far?

2156 Words

She was stunned by his words. This evening was growing to be more and more absurd, and she was admittedly starting to wonder if this wasn’t a fever dream. Her mother saw him as a dragon. Jun, or Jay, Zhao was turning out to be a better storyteller than her mom ever was. “In your dragon form? Like you turn into a lizard?” She tried desperately to sound nonchalant but was failing miserably. “A very large, impressive lizard, but yes. At the time when we were only four, he was not as large but large enough she was frightened.” He waved around the room, “Everyone in this room has the same capabilities. Our beasts come to us with a blessing from our Gods. They emerge at our first birthday and stay with us until we die.” She lifted her wine glass and took a drink. “This is the weirdest pile of

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