Control of Destiny

2191 Words

“Barb!” Iris’s hands flew over her mouth. “Girl, it doesn’t matter they don’t come with tons of experience. They have an imagination to rival any porn producer. You’ll never want to be with anyone else because they ruin you for any other man. Once Wyatt gave me so many multiples, I passed out cold. I don’t mean fell asleep either. I mean I passed out from an orgasm.” “Barb!” this time it was Oakley who was bright red and wide eyed. “Look, all I’m saying is, before you decide this isn’t what you want, give it a try.” “What if he marks and mates me against my will?” Oakley whispered as she picked at her fingernails. “He wouldn’t,” Barb shrugged. “All he’s ever going to do is give you everything your heart desires.” “Are you saying you never fight?” “Oh, we fight like cats and dogs.” S

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