Chapter 008

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***** DAY 02 ****** A loud noise wakes me up from my slumber that I almost fall from the tree that I am perched on. I scratch my head in annoyance as I remember that today is the first challenge. I stand up from the tree. Yesterday, I tried to look for the trio—Tia, Sam, and Charlie—but they had hidden so well that tracking them is next to impossible. When night came, I had no choice but to rest. Thankfully, there are no snakes in this tree. I squint my eyes at the sound of the explosion. There it f*ucking is. A huge hole opens up in my northeast. A rough estimate of the distance is two kilometers, maybe? From the hole, comes what looked like a boat. No, a large, ancient steamboat, with a couple of floors in it. From this distance, I can see that its hull is destroyed. It's probably made that way so participants can enter. But it’s not only the hull, but other parts are also damaged—from the handrails, bridge ladders, and even the main deck has a hint of destruction. Overall, it looks abandoned, ghastly and I’m certain traps have been laid on it. I sit back in my tree. Let them kill each other on the boat. I have no care. I close my eyes. I’ll just relax here until the day ends, and tomorrow, I’ll look for Charlie again. Then, there’s static, and an announcer says, “A damaged steamboat with all the items you can ask for! But the enticing thing about it is the weapon hidden somewhere in its passenger rooms.” Then the announcement ends. That’s all? Hidden weapon? Are they trying to make a f*ucking survival game seem like a treasure-hunting game? Assholes! I glance below me and see a group of participants run towards the damaged steamboat. I note the made-up wooden spear that each of them has. I smirk. If they can’t properly use a spear, that will be useless in their hands. “Are you sure?! Are we really going to join it?” one of the men yells at his comrades. He’s wheezing. Understandably, he’s thin and small. It looks like being fit had never entered his mind. I had customers like him, but it’s his type that I find the most interesting. Gentle and shy at first, but if I push them, the hidden beast will come out, something that is much more enticing than the huge guys. “Sherwin! I’ve told you before, that weapon they mentioned? It will give us an edge. They said it’s a killing machine that will obey its owner. Imagine how we can cakewalk this game if we have that on our side?” A killing machine, huh? Now, that will totally be an advantage at the start. But where do they get all this information? Why didn’t I hear anything about it? I watch how the guy named Sherwin smirks as he runs after his friends. I widen my eyes. Another interesting man. Did he break already? What is he planning to use a killing machine for? Once he’s out of sight, I lean back on the tree. Small, unassuming guys with glasses always turn out to be the most interesting guys. They are even more surprising in bed. I lick my bottom lip. What was the name of that guy before? Oliver. He’s an IT, and fixes computers at a nearby repair shop. I invited him before to visit our restaurant. He’s the first honest customer I had. Says the food is bland and is expensive for its level of quality. With his honesty, I became his friend. However, due to the price of our menu, he only comes every weekend, but he asks me to join him every time he visits. Who would say no to free food? But when that friendship deepened, we turned to become secret lovers. And damn, he’s better than Kleavon, so much more so. He says I am his first, but despite his small baggage, he’s skilled at giving women pleasure. He said he studied it, frequented porn sites, and watched educational s*x videos, to tell which is fake from real. I stand up. Is this Sherwin guy as good as Oliver? I’d like to find out. So I climb down the tree and approach the steamboat. Maybe he can be my toy that I can dispatch once I have no use of. **************** After an almost two-kilometer walk, I choose a tree to climb. At this distance, I can see better now. I’ve seen one or two groups come towards the steamboat. Some of them had already entered the challenge area based on the screams. No lone participant though, which is to be expected. This first challenge looks like it’s designed for groups. People like me cannot possibly survive that unless we are only here to gain alliances. Sherwin’s team is also nowhere to be found. If this really is a powerful weapon, whoever has it can protect me until I find that Charlie guy, or until I can find a way to die painlessly. Should I enter alone? I look around. No, that would be crazy. Rather than that, I have a better idea. I need to find a way to look as harmless as possible. As if my prayers are answered, I see another group of participants behind me. I study them, four participants. All men. Good number. I can handle that. As they come closer, I notice how all four of them have a stocky, solid build. Are they bodybuilders? Or bouncers? They are shorter than average, but they have thick arms and legs that not even their shirt and pants can hide. Big-boned and sturdy frame. Now, I like that. I climb from my tree and make sure that I will be in their direction towards the steamboat. I make myself as unassuming as possible, meek and ignorant. Moreover, I make myself look as if I am deciding if I am going to enter the steamboat alone. I wait for a minute. It’s too long. Did I calculate wrong? Then, I feel movements behind me. I look around just in time when someone puts his hand on my mouth and pushes me down to the ground. I groan as my back hits the solid ground. I open my eyes to see that it is my target. I force tears to come into my eyes, and when he removes his hand on me, I make my lips tremble as if I am afraid of his sudden movement against me. Then I see his eyes glint with desire. It’s quick, but it’s there. He might have thought I am pretty, but contains himself because we are in this type of Game. His hold on me loosens. Huge but stupid. He will do. “What are you doing here?” he asks, baritone voice.
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